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"Jisung! I told you a million times that
you shouldn't run off, it's dangerous!
There are many scary creatures
who'd be very happy to have a little
squirrel like you as an appetizer!"

The brunette woman scolded the
small child as she pulled him by the
hem of his sweater, making the
little one whimper.

"Sowwy mommy."

"Don't 'sowwy mommy' me,
young man! Now come, dad
made dinner and your siblings
are already waiting."

The tiny boy whined when his
mom pinched his cheek rather
harshly before she picked him
up with much difficulty, being
actually far too pregnant to carry
her son around anymore.

Yeah, Jisung had a lot of siblings.

And with his three years he
wasn't even the youngest.

His six siblings were already
sitting at the table, waiting more
or less patiently for their mother
and brother and the small boy
couldn't help but cower under
his dad's scolding stare, his tiny
red ears pressed flatly against
his fluffy red-brown hair.

"Sit down, the food will get cold."

His mother muttered as she
placed him down on his chair
with a huff before she took her
youngest child in her arms
to breastfeed.

Chija, Jisung's little sister,
was only a year old and would
already become a big sister in
less than two months.

And Jisung already hated sharing
a room with his bigger siblings.

He wasn't a troublemaker,
he was a good boy.

He just didn't really like to play
with his siblings or other kids his age.

Instead he preferred to explore
the world on his own, his curious
little mind not spending even one
minute on how dangerous it
actually was.

But his older brothers and sisters
weren't interested in watching ants.

They wouldn't sit with him in front
of a flower just to watch the bees
come by to collect pollen.

No, his siblings were loud
and careless.

But as long as they were there when
his parents would call for dinner,
they'd be the favorites.

And he was okay with that.

His parents weren't pampering him,
they wouldn't read a bedtime story
or cuddle him on a regular basis,
instead they focused on education.

Their definition of education.

All his life long Jisung had been
taught how his life should be:

go to college, find a nice squirrel
alpha, mate and marry him and
have kids very early.

Yeah, he was a squirrel hybrid
and having many kids was
somehow part of their genes.

He never questioned it either,
his parents were happy with many
kids so he'd probably be too, right?

They only wanted what's best for him,
even if they sometimes couldn't
say it out loud.

And Jisung was happy too.

He was in his second year of college,
studying graphic design and dating a
nice alpha two years older than him.

This was the plan,
this was how his life should be.

One day they'd mate, one day
they'd get married and have
many kids together.

And Jisung was happy, or was he?

Because this was how it was
supposed to be, or was it? 


𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 | 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now