« 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞 »

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It had taken a lot to get Jisung
in the car that morning.

A big bag of sour gummy bears,
a promise that they'd stop at
McDonald's on their way back
home and many pleas and
kisses from Minho.

Plus, in fact, he had carried Jisung
to his car and had buckled him in.

The little squirrel surely hadn't tried
to make it a secret that he didn't
want to go to his parents.

He had already needed a lot of
courage to actually call his parents
to tell them he'd visit and he hadn't
even mentioned anything about
Minho or their little baby.

And no matter how many times he
had tried to imagine how this meet-up
would go, it always ended with his
parents slamming the door shut
in front of them.

Being it because of the big panther
alpha or Jisung's baby bump that
was getting extremely hard to hide.

"You're ready?"


Jisung hurriedly shook his head,
tightening his blanket around
himself to demonstrate that he
wouldn't leave his blanket cocoon
on the passenger's seat on his own.

"Sweet one.
I don't want to do this either
but the faster we're done with
the talk, the faster we can go
to Mcdonald's and home, hm?"

The alpha cooed as he ran his
fingers through the younger's red
brown hair and scratched the base
of the fluffy squirrel ears.

But Jisung only continued to pout.

The talk with Dongwoon had
been exhausting and scary enough
and he knew his parents.

He knew they wouldn't approve
of Minho and definitely not
of their little baby.


"Yes, sweet one?"

"You'll protect me, right?"

"Of course.
Don't worry, the moment
you feel uncomfortable,
we're going home."

"So we can go back home now?"

Minho chuckled at the younger's
innocence and leaned forward
to peck the tip of his nose.


Jisung was shaking like a leaf,
his whole body trembling as he
stood in front of the house he
had called his home once.

And he couldn't bring himself to
lift his hand, to ring the doorbell.

Instead he kept on pulling his
(Minho's) hoodie down in hope
that it'd change anything about
the obvious existence of his
cute baby bump.

"Sungie. It's gonna be fine.
They won't kill you or anything."

"You don't know them well then.."

But before Jisung would actually
change his mind and run back to
the car, Minho pressed his finger
on the button for the doorbell.

He was undoubtedly just as
nervous but they needed to
get this over with.

For the safety of their little bun.

"Jisung? We-
Oh my god!"

A brunette woman screamed
the moment she had opened the
door and with a swift move poor
Jisung had been pulled inside,
leaving a more than confused
Minho alone on the doorstep.


"Jisung! Who's that?!
A-and what's this?!"

His mother stuttered,
visibly angry when her son
only stared at her like a
squirrel in headlights.

"Don't you know how
dangerous that is?!"

"Darling, what's going on? Jisung?"

"T-there's a panther!
Right in front of our house!"

"But mom.."

"No, you go to the living
room right now-"

"Mom, he came with me!
He's my friend!"


"Jisung, are you insane?!"

Both parents gasped and backed
a few steps away when their son
opened the door, letting Minho
in and immediately hugging
the alpha's arm.

His parents' reaction had
already scared him quite a bit and
he desperately needed Minho's
comfort and reassurance.

"B-but Jisung honey..
What is going on?"

His mother asked with a trembling
voice, clinging to her husband's
side in a similar way to her son.

"Mom, dad, I.. I wanted to
introduce you to.."

Jisung whined as he pressed
himself closer to Minho.

"This is Minho. We..

We're having a baby together."

But the moment the little squirrel
boy's dad took a step forward with
his hand raised, the pure anger
visible on his face, Minho pushed
his sweet one behind himself.

And it only took one low growl
from the ravenette to put the
other alpha in his place.

No one would lay a hand
on his sweet babies.

"Jisung, what has gotten into you?!
Has he.. Has he abused you?!
That's it, Jihye, call the police!"

"But mom, dad! Stop!"

Jisung was fully crying by now,
his fists holding tightly onto
Minho's hoodie as he sobbed
with his bushy squirrel wrapped
around his waist to hide and
protect his baby bump.

He should have listened to
his instincts, he knew it was a
mistake to visit his parents.

For a moment an uncomfortable
silence settled in the room, the
two parents continuing to stare
at the couple with a mixture of
disgust, fear and pure anger.

"Jisung, leave.
No son of mine will give
birth to such a bastard.

You're not part of this family anymore."

Just appearing to drop this before
I'll probably disappear again
for another 350 years-

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 | 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now