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The earth-blood elf arrived around noon the next day. She was a pretty little thing, about five feet tall maybe a little more.  She had little antlers like a deer and her hair had a few green streaks in it.

Her name was Lila, she was more than happy to help in any way, and you felt good knowing that. You led her to Ibis' chambers and she immediately got to work.

A few minutes into her being in the room, Rey and Ragnar appeared, standing behind you. They both seemed concerned for Ibis, but not nearly as much as you were. You'd heard his horrid cough last night and his raspy, labored breathing.

Lila gave you a glass bottle with a greenish liquid inside. "Give him a spoonful of this twice a day, if he doesn't improve within a week, send word and I'll return..."

You were surprised that this was all he needed. It was such a simple solution. You opened the bottle and smelled it. Ibis was not going to like this one bit...


That night you practically had to hold him down in order for him to take it. "I know you don't like it sweety but you have to..." as soon as he had swallowed it, you held a cup of tea to his lips which he greedily gulped down.

"That tastes disgusting..." He mumbled, pulling you to lie down so he could snuggle up to you.

Within moments he was out, sleeping peacefully. You couldn't help but smile. He was so cute when he was asleep. You gently kissed the top of his head before pulling the blanket to cover the two of you and falling asleep.

When you woke, it was in the middle of the night, Ibis was coughing horribly and gasping for the air that he couldn't seem to get quick enough.

You cradled him as he panted. "Y-y/n..." He said in a hoarse voice. "I love you..."

You kissed his cheek. "I love you too..."

You sat awake for hours as Ibis slept on your chest. When the morning finally came, Ibis wasn't as hot to the touch as he had been during the night. His breathing also had evened out a little.

You sighed with relief and grabbed the bottle of the foul liquid.

Ibis' eyes were open as soon as you opened the bottle. "No."

"Ibis, look at how much better you already are because of this...come on..."

He growled at you but took the medicine. "Gross!" He said, making a face after he swallowed it.

You handed him a glass of water and kissed the tip of his nose. "I know it's gross..." you whispered.


By the time night rolled around the next day, Ibis had the strength to get out of bed. He walked around his room for a moment, getting his blood to go back to his legs.

He then plopped into the bed and read for a bit before passing out.

You smiled and covered him with the blanket before leaving to talk to Rey and Ragnar.

They were overjoyed to know that Ibis was feeling better, and the relief in your heart was too much to explain.

You loved Ibis to no end, you'd do anything to keep him safe, anything.

When Ibis was fully healed you spent as much time with him as possible without driving him crazy. The two of you found a hundred things to do. (Some of which got you into a bit of trouble...)

Zym was overjoyed to know that Ibis was better (which meant he tackled Ibis more than once).

The two of you were currently sitting on the landing, looking up at the night sky. Your head rested on his shoulder and his arm was around your waist. Zym was asleep with his head on your lap. This was a beautiful night.

You smiled as Ibis kissed the top of your head. "I love you." He cooed as you nuzzled closer. If you were going to be happy, Ibis was going to be part of it.

"So how do you plan to get us in trouble tomorrow?" You teased.

He smiled. "We could jump in the gold piles of the treasure vault..."

You smiled. "Naughty..."

"I know... but you want to..."

You smiled at the thought. "Okay, maybe I do..."

"You better not make too much of a mess if you do that tomorrow."

You both jumped and turned to see Zubeia with a smile on her face. "Before Ibis met you he was a perfect model of maturity..."

You blushed. "Sorry..."

Zubeia's smile only grew. "It's about time he had some fun..."

Ibis smiled and shook his head. "I'm getting us in trouble again aren't I?" He asked once Zubeia had gone, zym sleepily trailing after his mother.

You crawled into his lap and pressed your lips against his as he pulled you closer with one arm while the other rested on your knee.

You smiled against his lips before pulling back for a breath. "I love you..."

He smiled and kissed the tip of your nose. "I love you too..."

You both sat for a moment, just looking into each others eyes. His eyes sparkled like the stars above and it caused you to smile even wider. How the most incredible creature in all of the five human kingdoms and Xadia combined had fallen for you, you didn't know.

He broke the silence with a chuckle.

You raised a brow, what was he planing? Next thing you knew, he was tickling you without mercy. You squealed. "Ibis, staaaap!"

He ignored you and moved to where you were most ticklish, granting no mercy. You squealed like an animal caught in a trap. "Please!!"

Ragnar heard your shrieks and pleads for mercy and bolted, worried you were in trouble. He drew his sword then skidded to a halt when he saw you trying to push Ibis away.

"Staaap! Ibis!!!" You tried desperately to push him away. "Ibis!!"

Ragnar sheathed his sword and snuck up behind Ibis, ticking him in the ribs.

Ibis' fingers stoped and he burst into laugher. "No! Dad stop!"

You smiled and shook your head. "You got what you deserved!" You said before tucking him as well.

"Nooo!" Ibis wailed.

You saw Rey out of the corner of your eye. She stood with her arms crossed and she slowly shook her head, a giant smile on her face. "You three are ridiculous..." She said.

"Mother, help!"  Ibis pleaded. "No, stop! Dad!!"

Rey shook her head. "Ragnar, your son can't breathe...".

The tickling stoped and ibis lay, clutching his sides. "You guys are mean!"

You rolled your eyes and poked him. "Says the one who wouldn't stop ticking me..."

Ibis glared at you and stuck out his tongue.

You rolled your eyes. "Welp, time for bed..."

Ibis ran after you and you streaked. "No more tickling!"

Ragnar put an arm around Rey. "I'm glad to see him happy..."

Ibis x Reader part 1 1/2 Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora