Neko #8

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I saw anger in all of their eyes. I nodded my head for them to follow me. I then started to walk away from them, I heard their footsteps so I could just keep walking. I went into an alleyway and detransformed into a human. I had glass cuts, bruises, slap marks, and all sorts of injuries all over me. By then the shirt and pants they gave me were ripped and torn apart. You could see my injuries because of how many holes were in the shirt and pants. I also smelt awful. My ears and tail dropped down because of their faces. Someone then started to step forward. I stepped back. "What happened?" He said softly. I then recognized him as Jake. I didn't respond. "Who did this to you?" Luke asked with gritted teeth. I again, didn't respond. I don't wanna be killed. I then felt light headed, I felt something poke me in the neck. I looked to my left and saw Evan sticking something in my neck, then everything went dark.


I woke up on a really comfy thing. I tried getting up but another chain was on my ankle. This time I didn't like it at all. It reminded me of father and mother, and that cage. I tugged on it, hard. But then again, what was the point? I was going to die anyway. I stopped struggling and turned into my cat. I then went under the bed and wrapped my tail around me while my ears were down. I was looking at the door in front of me to see or hear footsteps. Before I knew it, I fell asleep, under the bed... I then woke up do to hearing footsteps right outside my door. I heard the door opening, "Darling?" I heard what sounded like Luke ask. I didn't bother coming out or even responding.

"Darling? Please get out from under the bed." He said a little sternly. I just stayed still like I was paralyzed from moving. He then walked closer to the bed and crouched down to see under the bed where I was. I stared at him, waiting for him to do something. "Please?" He said with some kind of eyes. I moved backwards until I was out from under the bed. I turned into human again. The chain was so uncomfortable and cold against my skin. He walked around the bed to face me. He walked towards me. Even when I crawled backwards away from him, he kept coming. "Stop.." I said, very quietly. He then stopped. "Why are you afraid of physical touch? What happened? If you tell me, I promise to not let this happen and to get the chain off of you."

He bluntly said to me. My eyes shot up to his eyes immediately. I slowly nodded, believing him. "I was abused... By my Parents.." I had barely whispered. His eyes went wide with rage at my words. I heard him mutter something but I didn't quite catch it. "Can I please hug you?" He had said very softly. I nodded at his words. He then quickly went up and hugged me. We hugged for a few seconds until I heard a click from my right. I felt the chain slide off my ankle and on the floor. I closed my eyes and relaxed into his arms. He then picked me up from the floor and started carrying me somewhere.

I flickered my eyes open to see him. "what are you doing?" I asked him. "Taking you to the rest of the boys." "Oh." That was all I said until we reached the main room where everyone else was, waiting for us probably. I stared blankly at them, waiting for something to happen. Luke Put me down on a separate couch from the rest. I layed on the couch looking up, with an arm on my stumach and the other off the couch. I felt completely exhausted and beaten up, and I was beaten up. I heard someone get off the couch but didn't bother looking. I then heard someone walking towards me. I looked up and saw Jake with some type of white box in his hands. My ears went back on reflex. Whenever my parents had a box, it wasn't good.

He opened it, and I hissed at him, with my pupils slit. "Let me guess, you don't know what this is?" He said, like he had just stated a fact to me. My eyes went back to normal and I shaked my head, signaling I didnt know what he had was. "It's called a medkit, it's for helping patch your injuries." My ears went up, knowing that it could help me heal. "You gotta come here, so that I can help heal you back to normal." He had commented softly. I felt really hesitant. I knew it was going to hurt, because once I tried to clean my wounds with the river water, it did not feel to good. Evan saw that I was hesitant. "I can pet your ears while he helps you! If you want?" He had questioned. I looked at him and felt my ears perk up knowing I would get to be petted. "And I could hold your hand?" Kyle sujested. I nodded at both of their words, actually feeling a little better already.

I went closer to Jake to get help. Kyle and Evan came over and got ready. Kyle held my hand before Jake started. "Hey Luke and Kael, could you help me so that this will be quicker?" Jake asked. The two, in a heartbeat, came over to me. To distract me, Evan started to pet my ears. I leaned into him, loosening my hold on Kyles hand. But when Jake had touched a giant scratch, my hold tightened, a lot. It hurt, way to much. Then he started to bandage, wrap, clean, and heal my other injuries. I didn't even make a noise. My ears went down, and my tail wrapped around something I didn't know. I tightly shut my eyes, but of course, that didn't do anything. I soon passed out from the pain.

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