Part 2: The Metro Survivor

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(Time Skip a Few Hours)

Mei had been keeping watch over Izuku's vitals for the past hour and wasn't sure what to expect, his heart rate would increase for less than a second and then calm itself.

She knew it was from the adrenaline he was going through during his time in the game, but when she looked at the pod she just couldn't stop herself from feeling anxious.

This anxiety was due to the fact the pod was covered to imbue Izuku's body with the type of radiation that caused plants to grow, now that wouldn't be a good thing normally but with the growth agent in the fluid that filled his body tissue, it would make Izuku's muscles grow along with increase height and strengthen his bone density.

But there were still some other more complex pieces in the pod to help his nerves and brain active, if pushed far enough the green haired young man could process things as fast as a super computer or faster.

However that was all in the long run and wasn't accounting for any unknowns, like how his mind would deal with the stressful situations he was in and how it could maybe develop into ptsd or depression.

Even if the simulation wasn't real the brain wouldn't know that from how real it felt and looked, in all she was generally worried for his well being and was anxious to see how he'd come out of the pod.

The principal in a seat next to her glanced her direction for the fifth time in the last hour and was feeling the same as her, but kept his calm in the situation knowing all they could do was monitor the situation and be ready to help when the time came.

Nezu had taken a sip of his tea when a stray thought came to his mind and he couldn't help but ask "Miss Hatsume, would it be a problem to put Midoriya's point of view on the screen to see what he was doing?"

Mei stopped for a second to think it over and went to type into the computer, it took her no longer than 6 minutes of work until the screen turned on showing that Izuku was in a tunnel exiting with a companion named Bourbon.

Nezu looked at the screen and asked "If this is in normal speed for us, does that mean the simulation is going at a slower speed then anticipated?"

Mei shook her head "No, I am using footage from 5 minutes ago which would be a couple weeks for him, he's still on the way to a year inside the machine we can just get tidbits of what he's doing from these clips we're currently watching."

The principal hummed in approval "I see, this is quite nice I wonder how his classmates would react. Well that's for another time, I have to say from the way he's sneaking around he's become quite good at stealth."

Mei sighed in relief "Yes he's doing very well, even better than I could have expected in all honesty. I'm just glad he's doing alright, those mutants and human enemies are tough, they could kill him easily with their numbers yet he's doing quite well, it's honestly amazing."

They stayed in silence as they watched Izuku sneak past mutants and humans alike, for now it was just mutants due to the level he used to be on but he progressed quickly through the entire level impressing them at his progress.

Mei and Nezu watched on as Izuku made more and more progress through clips while also checking his vitals occasionally, it took a few more hours but Izuku finished the first Metro game choosing to go with the good ending and spending about half a year inside of the game.

After finishing the first metro game the second one started up and showed the pair how Izuku handled being in a more diverse game than the first one, with more enemies and different weapons and gear.

But as they expected Izuku went the route of not killing as many people as he possibly could unless there was no other choice, from his journeys start meeting Anna who Mei just so happened to change her character model to look like Momo Yaoyorozu, to his travels to find the little dark one. and the last of his kind due yo the fixed ending of the first game being the bad ending.

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