✧|Chapter three|✧

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Finney's pov


I sighed as I slid down into my chair. Math was always the worst because I already knew everything.

I skimmed through my thoughts like a magazine until I stopped. 'Billy's kidnapping.'

I cursed to myself. I had to stop getting caught up in Griffin's kidnapping, which had already passed a whole two weeks ago. Granted, I had until December nineteenth to plan it out, but it's always better to get a head start.

Billy got kidnapped at 7 a.m. while he delivered papers, so if I can convince him to let me do the papers or let me tag along, I should be able to interfere with the abduction. The problem is, how can I convince him?

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. 'Who knew stopping a kidnapping would take this much effort, let alone six? How do the actual kidnappers do it?' I rolled my eyes.

'This hurts my brain...' I complained to myself. 'I can't think on an empty stomach.'

I mentally groaned. 'Guess I have to wait till lunch.'


I walked down the hall with my books clutched tightly to my chest as I felt the stares of my tormentors. 'Those fat hoes NEED to pick up a hobby. Like crotchet, bake, whatever, just leave me alone, bro...' I sighed to myself.

"Finney!" Gwen rushed up behind me as I quickly whipped my head towards her.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow at her excitement.

"Golden Yamada's throwing a party this friday at 8, and he said I could invite whoever, so can you come?" Gwen bounced up and down in anticipation.

I thought for a second. "Can I invite my friends?" I tilted my head, and Gwen nodded her head quickly. "Yeah!" She smiled.

I hummed. "Alright, sure I'll come."

Gwen squealed, "I'll text you the address!!" She quickly dashed off to who knows where. I sighed and shook my head. 'Let's hope one of them is free.'


I placed my tray on the table and sat down on my seat. "Hey, are you guys free this Friday at 8?"

Billy, Griffin, and Robin all nodded. "Cool, Baseball Bruce is throwing a party, and Gwen said I could bring however many people I wanted."

Griffin shrank in his seat. "I don't do well at parties...." He mumbled, and I nodded. "Me either, but it might be nice?"

Billy nodded. "Yeah, it can help you get out of your comfort zone, Griff!"

Griffin groaned and reluctantly nodded. "Fine, I'll come..."

Robin smiled. "I'll be there."


I walked down the street in my outfit on my way to the party. I was wearing a green jacket and black cargos with a white T-shirt. My green Converse platforms clashed against the gray sidewalk in the darkening sky.

I knew this wasn't a great idea to be walking around at night whilst a kidnapper is looking for me and my friends, but my friends are already at the party, and I would rather sacrifice my freedom instead of theirs.

I sighed as I walked up to the porch and heard the music blasting.

I opened the door, and I was immediately met with the stench of achohol and cigarettes. I cringed at the familiar smell as I pushed through the crowd, trying to find a familiar face.

I bumped into people every step I took, mumbling apologies under my breath.

I quickly found Griffin. "Griffin!" I shouted, and he turned to me. "Finney!" He quickly hugged me before going back to playing beer pong. I raised an eyebrow at the beer, but I ignored it, turned on my heels, and decided to get out of the overwhelming space. I decided to just go to the front yard for a little air.

Once more, I pushed through the crowd and found the front door after many people stepping on my shoes.

I opened and closed the door, and the next thing I knew, I was sitting on the curb, looking at the stars in the dark sky.

A car passed by me, and in my peripheral vision, I see a van. A black van.  My eyes widened as I scrambled to my feet and rushed back to the door. I couldn't look to see if it had those stupid blue words, but I didn't care enough to check.

'Please don't be it, please don't be it, please don't be it.' Was all I was able to think as I tried to open the door, jumbling the knob. 'He'll know where Bruce lives. He can't.' I shut my eyes as I swiftly opened the door.

I had never felt more relieved to see so many people. I felt safe, oddly enough, but still sick. I felt bile in my mouth as I swallowed the lump in my throat. My sweater made me feel ten times hotter, and my vision became fuzzy at the sides.

I stumbled through the crowd once more, not even caring to apologize to the people I shoved.

One after another, I passed people until I stopped as I saw the familiar green fabric on someone's head.

I rushed towards Robin as he turned towards the sound of my fast footsteps that thumped on the ground.

His face contorted into concern quickly as he rushed over to me.

We soon came close to each other, and he placed his hands on my shoulders. "Are you okay, guapo? You look extremely pale, more than usual." He spoke with worry laced through his voice.

I shook my head, which suddenly felt like a fifty pound weight. Unable to hold my head up any longer, I placed it on Robin's shoulder as he stroked my hair.

"I'll get my uncle to pick us up. You're obviously sick." Robin spoke into my ear, making sure I heard.

I nodded but mumbled under my breath. "Make sure he picks up Billy and Griffin too..."

Robin must've heard because I felt his head nod.

Robin grabbed my hand and dragged me over to the surprisingly empty couch. He dialed his uncle's number on his phone and waited for his uncle to pick up, which wasn't long.

"Hey, tio. Can you come pick the guys and me up? We wanna go back home."

I heard the words but was unable to comprehend any of them as I leaned my head on Robin's shoulder. "He'll be here soon." Robin informed me, and I couldn't do anything but nod.


I closed my front door behind me after I said goodbye to Robin. I didn't bother telling him anything as it would have made me sound insane.

I tried to ignore the smell of cigarettes and alcohol, but I couldn't ignore the record player that was playing my mom's favorite song.

My eyes filled with tears. I shook my head and walked over to the chair that my father was slumped in, fast asleep.

I carefully slid the beer bottle out of his hand and placed it on the coffee table. I turned off the record player and quietly made my way to my room.

I didn't bother changing my clothes, I simply took off my shoes and plopped down in my bed.

I shifted my position, so I was lying on my back. I stared at the blank ceiling as I tried to process what had just happened.

I tried to sleep, but my eyes would always end up open. The black van was all I could think of as the minutes passed. The clicking off the clock outside my room became ten times louder.

I saw the sun rise in my peripheral vision, but I didn't bother trying to sleep at that point.

The beeping of my alarm was all I heard. I turned my head to see the time. '6 am...' I frowned. Today was going to be shitty.


1309 words

Sorry I haven't updated. My schedule has been busy. Because of this, I'm actually going on a one month break (estimate). So, I won't be uploading any time soon, I just won't be able to. School has been hectic, and I need to keep my grades up. I hope you guys are doing well, and I'll see you all again in December <3

✧⋆⭒˚。⋆I hope you'll stay tuned for the next chapter!!✧⋆⭒˚。⋆

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