Mysterious Roar

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Neon P.O.V


I shot up in my bed looking around my hut, "that roar.." I pull my blanket off myself throwing my legs over the side of my bed and pulling on my fur boots. I stand in and stretch grabbing my axe off the wall and pushing my door open. The cool air hits my skin and I inhale the air and it burns my nose and I turn to the forest, I squint my eyes and huff "this time. This time I will prove them wrong."

I meet the tree line and run my hand along the cold bark, I swing my axe into the tree and I watch sap drip down from the cut in it. I pull out my axe and walk deeper in the forest listening for anything that could lead me to whatever is making this noise. I hear the crunch of leaves and I freeze in place, I hear the sound growing closer and I whip around in the direction of it only to groan in annoyance seeing another viking staring at me.

"What are you doing out here so late Tala" I give her a hard glare "I don't want to hear it Hazal. There is something out here and I'm going to prove it." I snap turning around walking away walking deeper into the woods, "you know there are things out here that can easily kill you, you know that right."

I start gripping the leather on my axe tightly "we'll need a search party to find your dead body by morning if you keep at this." I hear her sigh "then again the village thinks you are insane so they probably won't care very much." I hear a rock on metal and I turn around glaring at her. "I don't care what the damn village thinks! I know there is something out here yet no one-"


Hazal stops all her movements and I turn towards the sound. It was louder now, the roar boomed across the forest almost like it  shook my soul and shaking the ground. I turn to Hazal and she is standing frozen in place "you believe me now?" I move farther into the woods and hear leaves behind me crunching behind me and I catch her in my side view. 

I roll my eyes "if you are here to make fun of me you can leave." I snap at her as I look around and move up to a rock brushing my fingers along it dropping my axe, "scorch marks.." I mutter under my breath and I turn seeing Hazal looking at it as well. "Were you at least slightly useful and brought charcoal and a book?" 

I hear a huff and some sounds before she hands me a lump of charcoal and a book, "huh guess you are useful" I give a her a snarky reply and open the book drawing out the scorch marks on the bolder. I look at them matching it as best as I can before standing and looking at it one last time, I nod and pick up my axe again and follow footprints on the ground and burned and damaged trees.

I write and sketch every little thing down, I look behind me and Hazal is still behind me looking annoyed while also a hint of concern on her face as she looks at at every sound she hears. I move to a fallen log and look it over, there are scratch marks all over it, the bark is no longer brown. I wipe my finger along it and it rubs onto my fingers "it''s charcoal.." Hazal walks over examining the fallen log.

"Would you look at that..." She pulls off a piece of it and looks it over. I set down my axe leaning it on the fallen tree and look around finding more scorch marks as I go, ashes litter the ground along with more and more trees as I go. "Tala? Tala where are you going?" I hear quickened steps behind me and Hazal is in front of me.

"Tala, wh-" Hazal is cut off as she falls backwards and I quickly grab her hand before she falls, "you okay?" I pick her up and we look at the ground and there's an odd log? Branch? I don't fully know. I run my hand along it and it feels odd, there are spike on it running down whatever it is, I pull out the book and sketch it out "Hazal are you seeing this?" She look's down at it and we both watch it move.

I look up at her and she stares at me "that's a snake, right?" Hazal looks at me with a look and I shrug her off and follow it leading to larger and larger spikes going up a mound. Said mound goes from black to, specks of purple? Odd shapes stretch off of it and I hear a low rumble come from it. "Tala.. what, what is this thing.." Hazal is looking at me with widened eyes and she has a panicked look in her eyes.

I give her a smirk and run my hand along it, "what? No snarky insults?" She backs away slowly and pulls her axe out pointing it towards me. I give her a confused look and her arms shake "b-behind-" Hazal stutters and I turn around and there a pair of large eyes looking at me, spike run along it's head and daggers line it's mouth.

I has a horn sitting on it's head and it snarls "oh, oh my Thor-" I back up slightly as it stands on it's two legs and two large wings spread with huge claws on them. The under color on this thing is a light purple almost white with purples all over it's body with some black. The spines on it's back are huge, they have to be about half my size. 

It's body sparks and it roars loudly at me, I flinch back and it walks to me and Hazal gets in front of me "stay back you- you" she holds her axe high up to it, it gives a final roar before it's wings flap, causing us to step back at the force before it darts into the air and it's quickly gone. Hazal turns to me with a look with so many emotions behind it, I look back at her and take out the book she handed me and sit down with it "so, you believe me now?"

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