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I look kinda gross but it's fine 😁

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I look kinda gross but it's fine 😁

Liked by Potsandpansy, The_king, iamTheo and 700 others

Potsandpansy : you always look gross babe 😊

IamTheo: pansy that was rude 😡 RUDELY FUNNY 😆

_dray_: @Potsandpansy, @iamtheo 🙂🖕
Also Theo that doesn't make any sense 😑

IamTheo: whatever 🙄👎

Harry.j.potter: @_dray_ Gross!? You look extraordinary

_dray_: what..?

The_king: Potters gay awakening?

Queen_of_red: I 100% agree with you Malfoy  🤣🤣🤣 and also Harry isn't gay.

The_king: jeez here we go...

Potsandpansy: embarrassing really 😬

_dray_: @Queen_of_red don't play  With me girl i can make you insecure real QUICK

Queen_of_red: saying you can make me insecure you for made a post about you thinking you look gross.. whatever sweetie

Ron_is_cool: ew a ferret

_dray_: ew a weasel

Potsandpansy: that was so random hello? ^^ 

The_king: it's how they say hello to each other in insults...I guess ion know

Book_worm: @Harry.j.Potter do it correctly Harry. Tell him.

Harry.j.potter: MONIE SHUT IT!

_dray_: tell me what??? @Harry.j.Potter 

Harry.j.Potter: NOTHING!

Book_worm: gosh darn I have to do everything for you 🙄 Draco Harry likes you and he's been liking you for ages now since the Yule ball I believe. He couldn't stand all those other guys flirting with you,it made him mad! So he's been following your every move for months now to see what you like and dislike. He always says how pretty you are and how much he wants to hold you and protect you from the world and he won't shut up about how pretty your eyes are and how your plump lips look when you wrap them around your fork at dinner or how big your ass is when you wear trousers (his words not mine) So what I'm trying to say is he wants to go out with you so do you accept yes or no? Please say yes you both are horny homosexuals who need to get together all ready!

Harry.j.Potter: next time I see you it's on sight.. I swear to Merlin

_dray_: is all that true? You think my ass is big and that I'm pretty???

Harry.j.potter: uhm well yeah of course! You're the most beautiful person I have ever met! And since the Yule ball I've wanted you so bad!

_dray_: oh.!

Harry.j.Potter: oh?

Potsandpansy: don't worry Harry he's in love with you too I read his diary! It says that he loves your muscles and your 8pack abs and he just want to run his hands threw you hair and get lost into your dark green eyes forever. IT ALSO SAYS HE WANTS YOU TO TAKE HIS VIRGINITY!!!!


Harry.j.Potter: wow Draco your bold 😆don't worry love I think it's cute

The_king: the gayness in this comment section is to much...

Potsandpansy: your gay to bitch 💅

The_king: ..

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