Harry,Hermione and Ron's GC

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Golden trio 👑

Book_worm: Harry.

Harry.j.Potter: ???

Book_worm: why are you jealous of Theo?

Harry.j.Potter: I'm not!!

Ron_is_cool: you are mate

Harry.j.Potter: okay I might be a just a tiny bit! I mean you can't blame me it's like him and Draco are always hanging out now! Me and Dray haven't hung out in a week! It's ridiculous

Book_worm: I see where you're coming from.. but if it's really bothering you talk it out with Draco.. I know he'll understand.

Ron_is_cool: This is legit the only time I'll say this but, I agree with mione. Talk to him mate

Harry.j.Potter: fine fine. I'll try talking to him if he won't be stubborn and bratty...

Book_worm: DONT.SCREW.UP!

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