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"Hey, hey, hey. It's okay. Breathe." Avery comforts me. At first, I'm confused until I realise that I can't breathe and my cheeks are soaked in warm, salty tears that are still pouring.

A breath leaves my lips that I wasn't aware I was keeping in.

The abundance of oxygen I was receiving a moment ago is now too much of it as I begin to breathe way too fast, sitting down on my bed via Avery's help.

"It was my fault." I sob heavily while he holds me close, rocking back and forth. "Avery, it was all my fault."

"Shhh." She comforts while rubbing my back.

"I don't deserve any of this." She moves away from me, frowning as I sob the final sentence.

While holding me at arms length and looks into my eyes as I continue to sob.

"Y/n. You. Deserve. More. Than. This." I smile softly over the sobs at her words. "Now, what the fuck was that all about."

My sobs have now died down to just crying.

She deserves to know about my life, I mean, she is straddling across the world with me.

"The last time I used that suitcase was when i moved here. To this orphanage. It just reminded me of everything that I didn't t want to remember. When I was around seven, my mum killed my dad. In front of me and my sister. Then she killed herself with the same knife. We found her and called the police. A few weeks later, we got split up." A tear rolls down my cheek again. "She texted me every day and sometimes we'd call until one day... she-," I try to finish but the crying makes it impossible.

Instead of finishing, I pull out my phone and click on the pinned contact; 'Eliza.'

I just cry more while reading the message out loud.

" 'I'm so sorry to inform you that Elizabeth is no longer in care anymore. This is her guardian. Only a few nights ago, she attempted suicide. She attempted to hang herself and just today, in the hospital, she died. You are invited to her funeral on the 30th of December' ." I take a pause. "She didn't even get to see Christmas that year but she got me a gift beforehand. It was a ring. A simple one with an emerald in the centre. I tied it to some string and wore the necklace everywhere with me. Then Maggie found out and as a punishment one night, when I went to sleep slightly too late, she took it and destroyed it."

"Are you sure that it's gone for good? Is there no way of getting it back?" She enquires.

As an answer, I shake my head before beginning to talk, "she threw it in a lake and when I looked for it, it was long gone so... there's no getting it back."

She looks horrified at what I said, her jaw hanging open, all she knows what to do is to embrace me in a hug and comfort myself.

"Look, you can use my spare suitcase, okay?" I nod in her arms and she gets up to get the suitcase from her room.

Once she gets back, I pack everything and I mean everything that'll fit before we both wait out on the front lawn, not really having an option since Maggie kicked us out, sitting on our suitcases and watching every car pass in excitement.

Eventually, a dark blue car pulls up. It looks fairly similar to my social workers so I didn't bother standing up and told Avery to sit back down.

I hear the door click open and fiddle with my sleeve, still feeling the pain from earlier throbbing in my arm just above my hand. Not until I hear a London-ish accent do I look up to see Tom motherfucking Holland.

He seem relatively startled once he notices us sitting there, expecting us to be inside, clearly, and he looks around for a guardian but it's just us who're now standing up and trying to contain the fan girls inside of us by me stepping up and shaking his hand with a smile on my face.

"I'm- uhm- guessing that you're here for us? I'm Y/n Y/l/n." He looks back in the car before letting out a breathy laugh and nodding.

"Are you okay?" He asks and I immediately nod as a response.

"Yeah. I kinda just, I only found out that i have the part in the film a day or two ago so it's still kind of a shock."

"Trust me, I know-," he's about to continue when the cars horn beeps, an Australian accent following.

"Holland! We haven't got all day!" The man laughs, mockingly while Tom Holland gets in the car.

The accent can only mean one thing. I flash Avery a look and she returns it with the same expression of shock of and excitement.

Then, he reveals himself. I was half expecting Tom Holland since he lives in England sometimes but it's a pure shock when Chris Hemsworth steps out of the drivers seat and walks towards us.

"Here, I can get your suitcases." He insists before taking them and putting them in the boot of the car, carefully but also quickly.

It takes a few moments for me and Avery, the biggest marvel fans in the world to register until the passenger door opens, revealing Scarlett Johansson, now in the drivers seat with a smile on her face, one of pure happiness. I seriously need to go on TikTok and delete all of the edits that I made of her because let's just say that Jesus wouldn't approve.

"Hop in the passenger seat and your friend, sorry I don't know her name, can sit in the back." Immediately I do so. and Avery does next.

Almost as soon as our seatbelts are fastened, the car moves, Scarlett Johansson talking first.

"Should we be going straight away? Don't we need their guardians to, I don't know, sign something?" This question has a perfect answer and I decide to blurt it out.

"Our guardian actually kicked us out only, like, ten minutes ago." The chattering silences throughout the car and I realise what I've said. "I mean, she didn't actually not let us back in." I lie to them and they go back to talking again.

Grab the gear stick.

I don't want to. That'll cause a car accident.

You can do it. It'd be so easy to just kill everyone here.

No! Stop it! I would never do that. What did Avery say they were again? Intuitive thoughts? No it was intrusive thoughts. I'm not a psychopath, I am not my thoughts.

It takes a few moments of repeating this to myself before the thought dies down.

But, as always, it still ruined the happiness and excitement that I felt.

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