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My heart skips a beat at the name, but I conceal the feeling and smile at her.

Relax, avery is a common name.

"Cool." I reply, and Mariah clearly senses the tense atmosphere.

"What's wrong?" She asks, stopping from organising the products on the stand.

"Nothing!" My reply must be convincing since she shrugs it off and starts to pull my hair back in a clip.

"So, we're going to go for a natural look, you won't need a wig since your hair is pretty much as it is in the movie, just tell me if you're uncomfortable and I can adjust anything." She begins to walk me through the process, and I just nod along, feeling a hidden anxiety about my stunt double.


It takes around an hour and a half to get ready for set, and once my makeup is on, I ask to put the costume on myself, avoiding the sight of the cuts along my arm.

After twenty minutes of struggling into the tight costume that's very uncomfortable and just allowed to pass as not sexualising me, although I'm sure the fandom will do a good job at doing that.

It's a black catsuit, the ones that are worn in the redroom.

Fake dirt and blood are on my forehead and cheeks, and my hair is in a messy yet untangled style that looks like I've... well, escaped from the red room.

Now I just need to wait until scarlett knocks on the door so I sit on the sofa that's just behind me.

It only takes a few minutes until I hear a knock on the trailer door, and once I do, I spring up, eager to get to set and enjoy the acting experience.

"Come in!" I say, and scar smiles at me.

"Ready to go?" She asks, and I nod.

A deep feeling of anxiety lurks in my chest at the name of my stunt double. I mean, if she's crazy enough to betray me like she did, maybe she's crazy enough to track me down and become my stunt double...

No. I need to stop thinking like that.

Scarlett takes my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze before we walk out of my trailer, carefully closing the door behind us.

The walk to the set takes no longer then five minutes. A huge wearhouse is stood infront of us. Its slightly intimidating and scarlett immediately gets it, rubbing my back slightly before continuing to walk.

"You ready?" Scarlett asks as we reach the door and I nod in response to her question.

But I'm not ready, not for any of it; the fame, the criticism, everything.

I'm especially not ready considering that today I get announced as the lead actress for one of the biggest franchises in history. And I won't have Amy to help me through it.

The thought of Amy makes my eyes prickle with tears but I blink them away while walking into the building.

At first, I get greeted by the directors and producers, immediately overwhelmed but smiling and nodding anyway.

I get separated from scarlett since she's going into into a different tent and I gather taken to meet the crew. Including avery.

I'm almost certain that it isn't her but I have a strange gut feeling that it will be.

Everyone seems lovely and then ots time for her.

"And this is your stunt double!" One of the staff informs me and I almost drop dead right there and then when I see her long black long with faint streaks of blue and green. Her blue eyes piercing my sould and the multiple face piercings still in various places.

It's mother fucking avery.

She's lost a lot of weight and even though I'm sure noone else noticed, she's wearing a long thick jumper in the height of summer. That bitch is getting a little a bit too much like me.

"Okay, I'll leave your ten minutes to get to know everyone." The member of staff tells me before walking off and immediately, I walk towards avery.

"The fuck?" I almost yell at her and she just looks... ashamed.

"Look, I can explain-," She starts but I cut her off.

"Then fucking explain it."

All of a sudden she falls speechless.

"I'm gonna tell the police-," I start but her attitude shifts into panic.

"I've already went to court. Maggie made me do it. I was found innocent." My gaze gets sharper as she continues. "Plus what're are you really going to get me done for?"

"Hmm human trafficking maybe?!" I say sarcastically and she rolls her eyes at me making mine widen with disbelief.

"Just follow me." She almost orders me and I don't know what else to do but comply to her request.

She ends up leading us to the largest bathroom and pulling me in.

Without any explanation she lifts up her shirt and takes it off completely.

Immediately, I turn around, trying my best to respect her knowing that she could stab me in the back with her sharpest knife any moment now.

"Chill I've got a bra on." Avery mumbles before spinning me around and practically forcing me to look at her.

"Shit Ave." I say, somehow still caring for the teenager.

She has scars all over her stomach and marks that look like old bruises.

"She. Forced. Me." As avery finishes, I start to realise that this sui5 makes it a lot harder to breath than I thought.

Next thing I know, avery has a concerned look on her face, my shaky hand governing over my chest in panic. Shit. Today is not the day for a panic attack.

"Shit, it's okay." She attempts to comfort me as I scrunch up into a small ball in the corner, holding back my tears and desperately attempting to suck air into me.

Avery throws her shirt back on and holds onto my hand, placing it over her chest.

"Follow my breathing, okay? In and out. Just like that." My hand is soon held in her cold ones, she's purposefully breathing loudly... to help me.

After ten minutes of crying and shaking, my breathing returns to normal.

We sit in silence, her next to me, her back to the wall.



"Why did you do it? You said you did it for the money now all of a sudden jt was because she forced you?" I ask her and she sighs.

"It wasn't just you that she 'sold'. She bought me. And she heard the whole audition. She knew that you were gonna be big so she got in contact with this... pedophile. She wanted you and she was willing to pay a shit ton. I didn't want to do it y/n. But if I didn't... she would've killed me... or had much more fun that that." Immediately I understand that Maggie had raped avery before as well as abused and owned.

I exhale sharply.

"Fine. I believe you, I wouldn't put it past that fat fuck. But, we are not friends and we'll never be anything more than work partners. You almost ruined my life whether you were tortured or not." I tub my eyes before continuing. "Deal?"




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