Chapter One

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Third POV

"I'm going to tell her,' Arthur announces to the table "when she gets here in going to tell her,"

"What about Harry?" Oscar asks.

"She's gone to break up with him," Ollie replies filling him in on what he missed when he was back home.

"Anyway I'm going to tell her I've kept this a secret all my life and I think it's time," the two other boys look at each other knowing that Arthur wasn't going to tell her they'd been in this position before and he's never let it slip he was to scares of rejection. 

Katelyn didn't know what to say when Harry got down on one knee she came here to end things thinking that he wasn't serious about this relationship but now he's in front of her showing her just how serious he is.

"So will you marry me?" She took a deep breath her words coming out before she got a chance to realise what they were.

"Yes," she was in shock she didn't know what to do she didn't know why she said yes but she did maybe they could work out their differences.

She was on her way to meet the boys and also to tell them about the unexpected news she was fiddling with the new ring on her finger.

Arthur smiles as he sees her walk up to them hugging them one by one.

"I need to tell you something," the pair say in sync. Arthur was nervous looking at the two other boys.

"You go first Kate," he says the boys nodding at him this was the closest he ever got to telling her about his feelings.

"Harry asked me to marry him,' Arthur's mouth formed a fine line "and I said yes," Those four words hit him like a truck he was too late she was getting married.

"You said yes?" He asks "what about the breakup,"

"We didn't get to it before he asked me I feel like we can work through things the main reason that I was going to break up with him was because he wasn't being serious about the relationship I mean we've been together now for two years and he always avoided future talk,' she rambles on not noticing the glares the other three were giving each other as Arthur takes a seat.

"We're happy for you," Ollie says they weren't happy for her at all. Oscar and Ollie had always wanted their two best friends to end up together one day but now they know that's gone.

Arthur tried to smile tried to act like he was happy for her while he was slowly breaking inside he was losing her.

"What did you have to tell me?' She asks the boy completely forgot that he said those previous words.

"I've bought a flat I'm moving out," he wasn't he had no plans on moving out of their place but he had to come up with something and that's all he could think of.

Katelyn was shocked by the news he wanted to move out was it something that she did?

"That's great news," she hated it she didn't want him to leave she wanted him to stay with her.

"Well aren't you two full of news today and look at us nothing to tell,' Oscar says trying to break the tension that was in the air.

"Actually I need to get going I'm meet Lacy," she fakes smiles saying goodbye to them she had no plans she was on her way to the apartment to think over everything

She said yes did she want to say yes? She always dreamt of getting married but rhe groom she had in her head was someone else someone who lived across the hall from her someone whose been in her life forever. She always pictured marrying Arthur not Harry but now look at her.

"Your moving out now?' Ollie asks.

'It slipped out I couldn't think," Arthur says 'she said yes"

"I know I'm sorry," Arthur shakes his head.

"I was to late why am I always to late," he tried to tell her before but she announced her relationship with Harry then he tried to tell her once more after they broke up but Harry knocked on the door he was always to late the timing was never in their favour and now he had lost his chance forever.

He had to be happy for her he didn't want to come in between her happiness even if it meant sacrificing his she was the only thing that mattered.

He wasn't fond of Harry not only because he was with Kate but he wasn't the nicest of people especially to Arthur.

Harry was always jealous of their relationship he also always suspected that he had feelings for her. He also found out that Katelyn had feelings for him once that's why he proposed to make sure that she stayed his and Arthur couldn't have her he wouldn't let that happen.

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