Chapter Eight

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Arthur POV

I hate my life.

Katelyn walks out wearing her wedding dress, and she looks perfect. More than perfect words can't describe how she looked. She smiled at me and then walked back into the room.

"You look beautiful," my mother speaks for me. "I can't believe you're getting married tomorrow,' I roll my eyes, earning a slap from my mother.

"I can't either," her voice comes from behind the door "doesn't seem real," her voice had a tint of something in it, but I couldn't tell what that was.

"You'll be a beautiful bride," i let out all I wanted to do was shout don't do it let's run away now but I couldn't I coudktn ruin her happiness it wasn't in me to do that.

She walks back out the dress bag in her hand, which I take off her. I didn't want her to struggle carrying it on the way home.


"If you keep staring at it like that, it'll burn," I jump when I hear Katelyns voice come from behind me. "Your jumpy today,"

"Sorry," I say. "I forgot you were here. You were so quiet," she smiles at me.

"I was just gathering my mind," she speaks. "Just got a lot to think about you know with tomorrow coming and everything,"

"What is that," I ask.


"The tone in your voice?" She frowns."Everything you've mentioned this wedding or spoke to someone about it, your tone changes," she shakes her head.

"It doesn't change,"

"It does. It's like you don't want to go through with this that you're regretting it,"

"Everything's fine, art," she says. "Maybe it's all in your head."

"In my head," she shrugs.

"Yeah, I mean, maybe you're the one that's got the issue with the wedding,"

"Me? I have an issue with it," she nods.

"You won't speak to me about it whenever I mention the wedding you start bringing other subjects up are you not happy I'm getting married?" I sigh, biting my lip. Don't do it.

"I'm fine with it," I respond.

"Are you?" She questions again. I take a deep breath.

"You know what fuck it," I say finally losing it "no I'm not happy your getting married I don't think he deserves you," she goes to talk "He's no good for you. You deserve the absolute world, and Harry isn't that," I say.

"He's not?" I shake my head.

"No, nobody will ever be good enough for you, not in my eyes. I hated seeing you in that dress mainly because it's not me. you're wearing it for I've wanted to marry you all my life god I've been in love with you all my life and yet I keep missing my chance everytime I try to tell you something comes up or gets in the way and now your getting married so you know what fuxk it I don't care anymore I'm losing you anyway so I might as well let you know right?" She stands there in shock, her mouth open.

"Arthur," I shake my head.

"I need to do one more thing, and then I'm leaving," I don't give her a chance to talk my lips crash onto her then I pull away "I needed to do that before I never get the guts to do it again I'll see you around I can't watch you marry him," and with that I walk out.

Katelyn POV

"He kissed me," I say, Lacy looks at me.

"Hello to you too," she takes a seat. "Who kissed you?"

"Arthur, he confessed his love to me, and then he kissed me and walked out. I can't get in touch with him," I say. "He's not coming today,"

"He finally did it?"


"Arthur's been in love with you the same amount of years you've been in love with him I've always told you but you never believed me," she speaks "We can go do a runner?"

"I can't,"

"Why not?"

"Harry threatened Arthur's sponsors,"

"He did what. Oh, I've never liked him,'she says,"screw him tell Arthur what's happened and how you feel," I shake my head.

"It's too late. I can't find him. I have no idea where he is. This is the only way to get over him,"

"You love Arthur, not Harry,"

"And that's why I'm doing this because I love Arthur," she gasps.

"You finally admitted it. You always say loved him past tense but never present," she says. "I'm finding him,"

"Better make it quick. I get married in an hour if he's not here on time then,'

"I know I'm going. I'll find him. Just don't day, yes,"

"I'll try my best not to," How was I supposed to hold this off I wasn't sure how but I was going to try.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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