Chapter Seven

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Arthur POV

"She's planning the wedding, their planning the wedding. I knew it would happen, but I just thought it would be further into the future," I say, throwing myself onto the sofa.

"Their already planning isn't that a bit soon?" Ollie asks.

"Even when she marries him, she'll always need you," Liam speaks "it's not like your losing her," I look at him he had no idea the reason I didn't want this to through.

"I am losing her," he frowns. "I've never wanted her as a friend,"

"I knew it," he says "your in love with Katelyn,"

"I'm in love with Katelyn,"

"Why did nobody think if telling me?" He turns to Jak."Is this why you didn't want to make that bet?"

"Did you really think he wouldn't tell me? Of course, that's why I didn't want to make the bet," he sighs.

"I'm just going to say this," Ollie speaks up, "but she doesn't look at him the way she looks at you,"

"She doesn't look at me any sort of way," I say "I'd notice if she did all I've wanted is for her to look at me as if I was all she wanted,"

"What are you going to do?" Oscar asks "their already planning, and you said that you overheard them talking about a summer wedding,"

"That's less than three weeks away," Ollie frowns. "That's so soon," I sigh.

"I think I'm going to tell her how I feel," they all look up at me, eyes wide .Either way, I'm going to lose her, so I might as well tell her,"

"You won't lose her," Liam says. "Like I said, she'll always need you. Do you really want to risk that?"

"I've gone ten years without telling her how I feel I can't go any longer. I can't watch her marry another man without knowing that I want to be in his shoes. What if there's a chance for us?"

"Do you think she would have said yes to him if there was?" Jak asks."I'm all here for the two of you. Don't get me wrong, but you could ruin your friendship,"

"I guess that's a risk I'm going to have to take,"

"This is going to end badly," he replies, "but I'm here for you,"

"Every step of the way,"


Why can't I get those words out.

I'm in love with you, don't marry him, was it really that hard to say?

As soon as I opened my mouth when I saw her, it instantly shut. Could I really do this risk everything? I know she doesn't feel the same way. If she did, we wouldn't be in this situation, and she wouldn't be marrying another man, but here we are.

"Are you okay?" She asks "your in your head about something," I sigh.

"Don't you think you're rushing into things," she turns to me with a frown. "You've only just got engaged, and you've got little time to plan a wedding that's going to happen in three weeks. Why can't you wait,"

"I wasn't planning on getting married in three weeks, but that's what Harry wants," I roll my eyes. "What was that?" She questions.

"Nothing, I just think you're rushing into this without thinking,"

"Believe me, I've thought about it," I couldn't do it. I couldn't tell her.

"Okay," I say. "Three weeks it is," I wanted the ground to swallow me up. I didn't want to have to watch her walk down the aisle.

"You're coming, right?"

"Why would I miss this? My best friend is getting married,'I say.

"Because you and Harry don't get on,'I shake my head at her.

"This isn't about Harry I couldn't care less about him this is about you I won't miss my girl walking down the aisle," I let the my girl slip but I don't think she caught on "I'm not turning up for him I'm turning up for you and only you," she smiles at me.

"There isn't anyone else that I want there more than you, Art," How am I going to pretend to be happy for her fake a smile the whole day and play nice with Harry I couldnt think of anything worse.


"Did you tell her?" Oscar asks as I reach him in the paddock.

"I couldn't do it," I say.

"Maybe it's for the best this way you get to keep her in your life I mean I know it's not how you want it but telling her and then Harry saying she can't see you again would be worse,"

"I don't know what I was thinking. I didn't think of what might happen if I told her not only would she reject me, but she'd have to tell him,"

"Luckily, you didn't have time to think of what the consequences would have been,"

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