August came and went

80 8 28

CW: slight reference to verbal and sexual abuse, eating disorders and very loud body shaming

Scott's POV ----- Monday Sept 6th ... 6:40am

Do you ever wake up to a weirdo in your face?

No? Lucky.

"Wake up sleeping beauty, the prince charming said you were too ugly to kiss awake" Lauren sneered. "You're a witch" I spat. She gave me a snarky smirk. "Thank you, I am a Woman In Total Control of Herself" she said proudly. I rolled my eyes as I struggled out the prison I had made for myself in my blanket. With a thump, I crumpled onto the floor.

Lauren shoved a bag in my face. "What's that?" I asked. "I got you the Eliz jumpsuit and jacket you wanted" she said. "And you got them in...". "Black, teal, gold and women's extra small" she finished for me. Snatching the bag from her, I ran out of our room and into the bathroom to get a shower and try the clothes on.

"F*CK YOU, YOU UNGRATEFUL B!TCH" Lauren yelled. "NO SWEARING!!" Mom spat. "THANK YOU!!".

... 7:30am


I am hot.

"Are you swooning over yourself?" Lauren teased. I shrugged, looking back at my reflection. You look like a whore. Lauren noticed my smile falter. "Look forget what that drunkard said" Lauren started.

"No it's not about that..." I whined. "That's it you're not going to work today" she said firmly. "But we need the...". She raised her hand to stop me. "I'll just ask Joel to give me a few extra hundreds and I'll beg Joey as well" she said.

"I thought you said you would stop hanging out with the League of Golden" I mumbled. "I don't hang out with them, just Joey, Joel... and Lizzie... but not all the time" she defended.

"You said you'd stop" I repeated. She opened her mouth to protest but I cut her off. "You're hanging out with the little power heads of the whole cult and you claim to NOT be part of them" I added.

"I'm in it for the money, I don't want you to keep having to go to that place" she said. "But you used to...". "AND I AM TRAUMATISED AFTER A PARTICULARLY AWFUL EXPERIENCE YOU KNOW THAT!!" she spat.

I swear every time she gets angry it looks like she has demon horns.

"I told you the story before Scott, I owe it to them at least to hang out with them" she sighed. "Not like they're giving you that much money" I pointed out. "1500 quid every 2 weeks is more than enough considering I don't work for them" she snapped. She exhaled slowly. "I'm sorry, I just... it really affects you and I want you to be happy".

"Thank you" I croaked.

A silence settled between both of us. She slowly grabbed the pillow on her bed. "NOOO!!" I shrieked. Running as fast as I could from her as fast as my gay little legs could take me.

She ran after me into the kitchen and Mom gave her... a look. Her smile faltered and she apologised. "..." Mom said loudly as soon as Lauren was upstairs. An old birthday card of ours came flying down the stairs like a god damn ninja star. It missed Mom by an inch and pinned itself to the wall.

"Breakfast is ready dear" she said ever so sweetly to me. "Kay" I mumbled. I sat down at the table. There were two plates, one for me, another for me and none for Lauren.

As I sat down, Lauren came storming down the stairs. She took one look at me and a hard glare at Mom. With a scowl, she made herself a cup of coffee and grabbed three slices of bread. "No wonder you have so much weight" Mom sneered.

Lauren grabbed two more slices of bread.

I pushed my eggs and greens around my plate aimlessly. "You okay?" Lauren asked as she wolfed down her fourth slice. I shook my head.

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