Chapter 3-Their Girl

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Nakusa usually followed the 3 rules eda had for her which were, dont go near the emerors castle, dont be out of sight from the house after dark unless with her mother or Lilith, and and dont commit crimes without adult super vision. 

Now sometimes, nakusa acted as her mother would, and felt the need to rebel.  She woke up early in the morning while eda was still sleeping, and for dressed. Nakusa out on a black shirt, a black skirt with ripped tights under it, and her jacket tied around her waist, and thigh high boots that didn't have heels on them.  She left her long pure white hair download she wasn't one for restrictions, and jumped out her window.  As nakusa was falling, she casted a spell to make her deceleration slow so she wouldn't get thurt or make noise, because hooty can't keep anything to himself.  

Nakusa loved being outside, she could never just stay home for more than 2 days straight, and the fact she was homeschooled made her situation worse. 

Eda taught nakusa everything about wild magic, and if nakusa wanted to learn anything academic she would go to her aunt, but it was always her choice.  Eda wasn't a traditional parent, so nakusa had more freedom than most kids her age, such as swearing around her parents, committing crimes. Eda believe that nakusa would do dumb shit regardless, so she give her the freedom to learn from her own actions.

Nakusa went out into the woods, to practice her magic. It's not like she wasn't allowed to at home, but her magic can sometimes be to much for a finite area.

Meanwhile raine whispers was on a new assignment already.
They were to look for the child with white hair and grey eyes.  While walking through the woods, they didn't know anything about this girl, but it's rumored that she's the owl lady's daughter. Raine wasn't trying to do anything rash, just simply ask her come with them. Is she really was edas daughter, they knew it would be best to not harm the girl, not that they would anyway.  But eda would take personal enjoyment of murdering them then throwing them in the boiling sea or something.

Nakusa was practicing an invisibility spell, not cloaking with illusion, that she could already do but to actually make her person invisible.  Nakusa drew a spell circle, and tried to turn invisible.   Will it didn't work. "Damnit.. " suddenly, nakusa heard someone in the bushes behind her, she's never said out in the open eda was her mother, but people weren't completely stupid.  Nakusa casted a spell and threw it in the direction of the noise. 

Nakusa walked over, and saw she had raine hanging upside down from a tree in abomination slime.  "Oo.. Your.. The head of the bard coven.. "  she said in curiosity raines talking was muffled by the abomination slime.  Nakusa was walking around raine, while raine actually feared for their life.  "Hm.. What's a coven head doing out here? Arnt you supposed to be kissing the emerors assnor something?"   Raine groaned very annoyed. 
Yeah.. She's edas daughter

Nakusa then grabbed a big stick, and hit Raine with it. "What are you doing out here!?"  Raine was getting more annoyed but slightly ammused.  "Aye! I'm talking to you"  nakusa was poking Raine with the stick trying not get them to talk. Nakusa kepted poking Raine, until they muscled out a small whistle to get the slim off their mouth.  "please stop poking me"  nakusa poked them again.

Nakusa was poking Raine for about 10 minutes, when she heard someone calling her name. "Nakusa!! Nakusa!! Where are you!?"  It was eda, nakusa made a spell circle and shot a random blast in the air.  With in a few minutes  eda was there, however she didn't notice Raine right away.  "Hey kiddo, why'd you leave so early?"
"You were sleep and I was bored"
"What have you been up to?"
Nakusa pointed  up, eda looked up and saw Raine hanging upside down in abomination slim. "Oh-.. Well you don't see that every day"  Raine sighed. "Your telling me.. " nakusa poked them again. "Aye! I didn't say you could speak!" Eda couldn't help but start laughing. "Head of the bard coven.. Can't even handle a child.. How sad"  Raine heard the flirtatious teasing, making b their cheeks go a little red. "Edaaaa!!!..your embarrassing me.. "  now eda was blushing. "Woahh.. Hold up, mom you know them?!"  Eda held the back of her neck. "Mom! Do. You know. The head. Of the fucking bard coven!?" Eda chuckled nervously. "I-i mean..know can mean a few different things.. " eda mumbled trying to Dodge the question. Raine sure as hell wasn't going  say anything, but then realized nakusa just called her mom. "Eda.. You have a kid!?"  And was again poked with the stick.  "Uhhhhhhh... Maybe?"  Eda mumbled. Nakusa glared at her mother. "Seriously.. What kind d of answer is maybe?"   Eda chuckled, and put her hand on nakusas head.  "Wait.. What the hell are you doing creeping around my daughter!?" 
"Found them trying to sneak up on me"
Raine had a guilty look. "Uh.. I-i didn't really know"  eda sighed. "Damnit.. " 
"Kid.. Let them down, GENTLY "  nakusa groaned. "I never get to have any fun.. " nakusa let them down slowly, and folded her arms.  "Go ahead and go home.. Il meet you there"  nakusa, nodded and started walking home, while Raine dusted themself off and stood up. "Raine, what the hell were you actually doing?"  Raine sighed. "Look, I didn't know she was yours.. I was just ordered to bring her to the emeror"  eda took a second to process, then looked down. "Why does he want her?.."   Raine held the back of their neck "I'm.. Not sure, he didn't say why"  eda looked at Raine with a pleading look in her eyes, one that showed the slightest bit of vulnerability. "Please.. Don't"  Raine couldn't resist her, and it's not like they tried.  "I could never say no to you, calamity"  eda blushed, and a small smile formed. "Thank you.. Rainestorm"    eda and Raine went seperate ways.

Meanwhile Lilith was staring at the wall of her room horrified. In big bold letters.

I know you've been lying

Nakusa ClawthorneWhere stories live. Discover now