Chapter 4- Disobedience

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It was about 1 in the morning, eda and Lilith were talking about the situation. "He won't see me as a reliable source of Information.. So we need more precautions" eda agreed. "But what can we do!? She's just a kid.. We can't ask her to defend herself against adults"  Lilith shrugged. "I.. I don't know, she seem to be able to handle herself again wild animals"  eda shook her head. "But against coven heads? And that bone head sitting on a  throne?"  Lilith sighed. "Well... I'm a coven head, we could see how she handles herself against me"    eda took a second to think. "Yeah.. But then I'd have to kill you with my bare hands"  Lilith was stunned. "I-i... Why!?" 
"Because if you even graze her, il have no choice but to throw you in the boiling sea"  Lilith sighed, she knows she'd do the same if anyone hurt her niece.  "Well.. We out her against someone strong.. Who.. You'd have an emotional attachment to so incase they win you won't result to homicide"  eda took a second. "No.. I'd kill any of the coven heads"  Lilith then smirked. "What about raine?" Eda froze. "W-what about them?"
"Would you kill them?" Eda blushed, and glared at her sister.  "Shut up.. "
Eda and Lilith heard foot steps, upstairs.  Eda looked at her sister. "I'm.. Going to go check on her"  

Eda went upstairs to nakusas room, and saw she wasn't in bed however the window was open.  Eda looked out the window, she didn't see nakusa leaving the house, so she called out. "Nakusa?"
"Up here!" Eda heard her from to tower so eda went through nher own window to get up there faster. "Hey kiddo, whatcha doing up so late?"
"Eh.. Couldn't sleep" eda sighed. "You were listening to me and your aunt.." 
Nakusa nodded. "Why can't I go near the castle?"   Eda looked down. "It's dangerous for you"
"But you always said to embrace danger" eda couldn't deny she said that. "I know.. But this is life threatening" 
"You always tell me on adventures, that if it's not life threatening.. It's not worth it"  eda sighed. "Your right.. I did.. But.. Please, just for me.. Don't go near the castle" nakusa nodded. "Get some sleep.." Eda left the tower and so did nakusa.

The next day, nakusa went out during a week later, during the early morning. Nakusa felt trapped. She's been stuck inside for a week because eda insisted they lay low.   She looked out the window, and could see the emerors castle. This is where her rebelian comes in.  She snuck down stairs, then saw apple blood on the counter. Nakusa hexed it so it would make it harder to drink. She then made an illusion of a bug flying past hooty and only left the house when she heard him scream.
"OH MY GOD A BUG!!"  Nakusa ran out the house, and straight to the emerors castle.  She used a plant spell to climb Into a window.  She looked around the hallway, and heard foot steps, so she used an illusion to appear as a random plant.

The scouts walked past her while talking. "When is the emeror going capture that white haired brat?" 
"No idea man, but I heard she's powerful"
"No way, she's not even enrolled in a school"
The scouts left, and nakusas illusion disapeeree. 

She walked through the halls, then accidentally bumped Into someone. It was head of the plant coven, Terra snapdragon.  "Well look at that.. The little brat the emeror wanted" nakusa started to stand up. "Ew.. What are you? 80?"  Terra glared at the child. "Why I outta-"
"Hold on, terra"
It was Raine, they walked in front of Terra looking at nakusa. "Il take it from here.. " Terra smirked. "Very well sprout"   
Raine looked at nakusa, no fear in the child's eyes, just as her mother would.   But the more they looked at her, they saw their own features, such as her skin color, and their jaw line.  They brushed it off and held a hand out for her. Nakusa didn't take their hand, but she did stand up. " follow me, child"  nakusa was surprised because to her Raine didn't have a stern bone in their body.   Nakusa followed them to their room, and once they closed the door, Raine took a deep breath. "Nakusa, what are you doing here?" Nakusa rolled her eyes. "Non of your business, besides I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself"  Raine chuckled. "Your parents must be worried about you"  nakusa looked confused. "Parents?" Raine nodded. "The people who raised you"  nakusa shook my head. "I was raised by my mom and my aunt" raine was surprised by this. "So.. Your mom is single?" Nakusa nodded. Raine smiled at the idea of eda being single.  "Oh, well.. Your mother is.. Very strong raising you on her own"  nakusa scoffed. "You got the hits for her x don't you?" Raine blushed and kept their head down.  "Wow, that explains a lot"  Raine sighed. "L-lets just get you home" nakusa groaned. "Damnit.. "

Meanwhile eda was freaking out, nakusa was gone and hooty knew absolutely nothing. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN YOU MEAN!?"
"It's not my fault, hoot hoot"  eda growled. "HOOTY!!!"  Just then Raine was in sight walking twoards the house with nakusa. Edas eye twitched when she saw this.  She simply stood there, and wait for Raine to be within pouncing distance. Once they were, she pounced on them, and started strangling them. "RAINE YOU FUCKING PRICK!!!! YOU KIDNAPPED MY DAUGHTER!!"   Raine  was reaching for air then tried to get away. "AHHHHH!!!!! EDA!! AHHHK!!" nakusa was eating popcorn watching this.  As eda kept going, feathers sprouting from her wrist. Nakusa went inside and grabbed a elixer, then used a spell to dragg eda off Raine.  "Mom your feathers are out"  eda drank the elixer, than threw the empty bottle  at Raine, which they barley doged. "EDA!?... I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!"
Nakusa sighed. "Mom chill out, I left on my own" eda darted at nakusa, and started shaking her. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!? I TAUGHT YOU FUCKING COMMON SENSE!!" 

After 20 minutes of eda yelling, both nakusa and Raine had to face the corner.   She was pacing around them while they had to face the wall. "I don't get it.. Why!? I specifically told you NOT to go near the castle.. And you went inside!!"  Raine took a chance and grabbed edas hand. "Eda.. Please calm down"   edas eye twitched again. Her gen growing black again. "Why!?....why should I be calm!?... I have a right to be UPSET!!"  As the words slipped from her mouth, she fully transformed into the owl beast.  "Shit!!" Nakusa yelled.  Nakusa drew a spell circle and tried to bind eda I to a net so she could have more elixer.  "Mom! Chill out!" The owl beast broke out the net and started thrashing around. Hooty was no help, because he was terrified of the beast.   Raine was staring shocked, they've never seen eda like this before.  Meanwhile, nakusa couldn't really hold eda back in this form.  The owl beast escaped the house, and before nakusa could go after her, the boiling Raines started

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