chapter 1

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Evans pov

After father put me out of the house I snuck back In get things to use at mikes house and let everyone else out the house and safely back to Mike's house so we could get more sleep and so he and Noah could take me and liz to ballet class.

And make sure the others are cleaned up and okay to go back to sleep and to make sure Susie's cut is not deep and will not need stitches and can just be cleaned and bandaged up.

After they all to mikes house

We made it to Mike's house without getting kidnapped or ran over by a random person in Britain after we got there he cleaned up Susie's cut and said it wasn't deep and didn't need stitches.

For it he told us all to go back to sleep and get a lot of rest because he had a lot of things to do with Noah and us he also split us up into pairs of 2 me and Gregory Fritz and Gabriel Cassidy and Susie Liz and Charlie we got the room that was at the end of the first hallway on the left by the bathroom.

Hello my loves this is the end of the first chapter I hope you enjoyed it and have a good day or night bye love you  3

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