chapter 3

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Evans pov

After we ate lunch we all went back into the living room to continue all the games we were playing or finish the conversations we were having with each other.

Gregory was talking to Susie and I think I know what they are talking about, I think they are talking about Fritz and Gabriel because I heard Susie ask Gregory if.

He thought Fritz liked Gabriel because Gabriel liked fritz so while we were at the table I said out loud that Gabriel like Fritz but not to loud so he couldn't hear me.

Or so any of the others could hear me and tell Gabriel I knew who he liked because if he did he would tell Gregory and Mike that I liked Gregory and he would tell the others who the person who.

Told me liked and the person because he knew who everyone like but not Fritz because he hadn't told anyone yet but most of us think he likes Gabriel I hope he does because they would be a good couple.

And that's the end of chapter 3 hope you enjoyed this one and have a good day or night love you bye <3

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