why are you here? -1

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Btw I'm writing this not based on the movie I'm just kinda free balling 🤓👍





my alarm goes off as I lazily slap it off
It's my first day at this new college
In a whole new town all alone..
But whatever
I get up and groan as I walk to my closet as I begin rummaging through my messy closet as I'm seeing clothes that I got 5 years ago in here

I find my outfit and I'm wearing:

I find my outfit and I'm wearing:

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smile as I lay my outfit out on my bed as I go to my bathroom and brush my teeth and do my hair
My hairs in a clawclip and I'm wearing my mascara and some lip gloss
I slap my socks on and slip on my clothes as I also grab my baggy brown jacket as I put my phone ear buds and Vaseline in my purse that goes on my right shoulder and falls at my left arm

It's 8:30 by time I'm done as I rush out the door and throw my backpack on as I put in my headphones and get on my bike and put my purse in my basket
This town isn't very nice it's old and musky

I ride past this old rundown pizzeria as I spot a man with brown hair and he's in baggy clothes as I watch him get out his car and walk into the building
He was kinda fine ngl
I wonder what he's doing there

My bike finally stop Infront of my college entrance as I lock my bike in and run to my first class
Ugh witch is biology

My boots clink on the floor as you can hear me rush to class as I stop at the door
I can feel my heart drop to my ass
Im nervous
I start to sweat as my heartbeats in my ears
I push the door open and walk in
The teacher sits me next to this blacked haired chick with a groovy skirt
I cant help but bounce my leg as I can't wait to go home already

-- time skip

Biology is over and I head to the mall across the street to get some food I walk into the mall bathrooms
I say as I enter the bathroom
Thank god nobodys here
I walk into the big stall and lock the door as I sit on the toilet and pull out my book
I can't focus might as well read
I pull out my pen as I don't know what to do with the smoke as I couch loudly into the toilet as all the smoke enters to water
"OMG I have got to stop hitting that"
I say as I groan as my eyes water and I feel like throwing up

I hear a girl enter a stall so I quickly run out the bathroom and to a nearby subway

Time skip!

My college classes are over as I walk out the entrance with a smile as I walk to my bike unlock it and ride home

But not without looking at that pizzaria again but this time he wasn't there
For some reason I wanted to see him again
Even if I only saw him

I barge inside my apartment door as I close and lock my door before flipping myself onto my couch as I unbutton my pants and unzip my jacket as my dog
Bobby jumps into my lap and barks

"What? Are you hungry"
I say as I get up and pour him some food and water
"God literally so bored"
I mumble as I plop down back on the couch but I reach for my computer
"I have to look for a jobbb ughh, Bobby can't you just get a job?"
I say as Bobby looks at me puzzled as he continues eating as I browse my local job net

A couple hours later I find this job at the pizzaria I saw on my way home as the security guard!.. oh but I'll have a partner okay well at least I won't be alone lol

I apply to the job as I close my computer and walk to my room and get ready to get into the shower

After I watch some movies with Bobby before I fall into a deep slumber 😴😴

AGAIN 😜😜😜😜
literally I've seen no mike× readers yet so I'm making one😝
God literally he was so fine in the movie
Literally barking at the screen
But tell me how y'all liked this 😻😻

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