dark corners -8

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To continue from the last chapter 🤭

Mike had fallen asleep
I laid there for awhile just enjoying his smell and his touch
I listen to him snore softly as I'm still laying on his chest as everything is so surreal right now

I can't believe that I actually got in his dms DEADASS
Like he's just so perfect in every way like idc what anyone says
I sit up and turn to Mike as I brush some hair off his face as I smile and if he was awake he would see the heart eyes I'm giving him rn

I kiss his cheek before getting up and slipping on one of his t shirts and slip on a pair of his shorts
I walk to the bathroom and use the restroom before I wash my hands and fix my hair so I look like I didn't just get fucked by my hot coworker

I walk out and into the living room where I see Abby watching tv
"Hey honey want anything to eat?"
I say as I check the time and it's 3pm

She thinks for a minute
"Can you make grilled cheese?"
She says as she looks up from her drawing
"Of course Abby, grilled cheese is actually my favorite"

I say as I smile at her before walking to the kitchen and pulling out a flate pan
I grab everything I need like literally just cheese and bread LMAO
Before I start cooking I think to myself that I should ask Mike if he wants any
I walk back to Mike's room and crack open the door as I see he's still sleeping in the same position I left him in

I sit on the bed as I caress his cheek
And smile
I say as he doesn't stir so I gently shake him
"Mike wake yo ass up"
I say I'm a whisper as I laugh slightly
He shifts onto his side so he was now facing me

"If this monkey don't wake up"
I say with a grumble as I smirk slightly before getting an idea
I'm gonna kiss him so he will wake up
Kinda like sleeping beauty, cringe.
I press my lips against his as my thumb rubs over his cheek
As I was about to pull away thinking it didn't work mikes hand grips my chin and pulls me back into kiss
And I smirk into the kiss before pulling away

"I guess I woke you up huh?"
I say laughing a bit
"I just came to ask if you wanted a grilled cheese?"
I say as he sits up and smiles with tiredness
"Sure y/n, I'm gonna get dressed"
He says before kissing my cheek and getting up and digging through his closet
I smile and leave the room closing his door behind me

I walk back to the and I put butter on both sides of the 4 slices of bread and turn on the stove letting it heat up before I lay down the 4 slices of bread
I hear Michael go into the bathroom
As I also hear Abby turn on the tv

I finally finish making food as I set down Abby's and mikes plate as I make mine last because I'd do anything for him tbh
I walk out the living room
"Abby your food done"
I say as I smile and walk back to the table with Abby
As Mike walks into the kitchen and sits down with a slight frown on his face as he lean in my ear to whisper something so Abby doesn't hear

"I have to bring Abby with us because I know your working the night shift with me today"
He says before backing away as taking a bite of his sandwich
"It should be fine as long as she doesn't wonder"

I say to Mike which gets Abby's attention
"What are you guys talking about"
Abby says with a slight smile
"Well you have to come into work with me and y/n tonight"
Mike says with a sweet smile twords Abby as she perks up and smiles wide
"But you can't wonder around it's too messy in there"
Mike says

As Abby shakes her head yes excitedly
"Okay I'll just bulid a fort!"
Abby says with a smile as she finishes her sandwich
Mike smiles at her before turning to me with wink
Mike finishes his food as I take their dishes and put them in the sink and I do the same with my dish
Abby goes back to her room to draw
As Michael comes to the side of me as I'm washing his Abby's and my dish

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