Steady Dating part 1

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"Hey Maddie!" Nick said one afternoon.
"Yes my love what's up!" Madison replied.
"Madison do you want to go to dinner tonight?" "Sure I would love too!" Madison replied happily. "Ok let's go in about an hour or so!" Nick said. "Ok!" Madison replied.

*Madison had an idea she called her sister Vida to talk to her*

"Hey Vida!" Madison said as she called her. "Hi sis!" Vida replied. "Nick and I are going out to dinner tonight!" Madison said happily! That's great Vida said. "I don't know what to wear tonight." "I was wondering if you had any ideas?" Madison said worried. "Just wear a cute blue dress that you have in your closet!" Vida said. "Maybe wear earrings or a bracelet." "Ok I will find a dress and see what I can do thanks!" Madison said. "No problem sis!" Vida replied.

Madison hanged up the phone

Madison went into her closet in her room and found the perfect clothing for her evening with Nick. Madison got ready while Nick got ready too.

After a while they both came out of their rooms and talked.

"Wow Madison you look beautiful!" "That dress looks good on you!" Nick said happily.
"Awe thanks Madison replied blushing. She then said "You look handsome! Nick!" Madison said giving Nick a kiss on the cheek! Nick smiled.

They go out to the car and drive to the restaurant once they arrive at the restaurant they get out of the car

"Welcome how many for you today?" Host asked.

"Just two me and my girlfriend!" Nick said. "Ok right this way!" host said.

Nick and Madison get seated down they look at the menu

"I think i'll get steak!"Madison said. "You get whatever you want love!" Nick said. "I want a sandwich! Nick said. "That sounds good!" Madison replied.

A host comes to their table and they order their food a while later the food comes

"Our food is here!" Madison said. "It looks good!" said Nick.

Nick and Madison eat their food then pay

Nick and Madison get into their car after having great dinner

As Nick was driving home Madison said  "Dinner was really good!" "It was!" Nick agreed.

Nick and Madison walk inside their home they switch into their pajamas and lay in bed

"Tonight was fun Nick thanks! Madison said.
"You're welcome I had fun too!" Nick said in agreement.

Nick and Madison get into bed and start cuddling

"I had a long day i'm going to get some rest." Madison said. "Ok me too!" Nick agreed.

Nick and Madison kissed before going to sleep

Authors Note : Nick and Madison have been dating for a long time now. I don't really know what to write so I thought I would write a chapter about them dating after their first date!
Madison has since gotten a place with Nick since their first date! I just had an idea about them going to dinner so that's what they'll do in this chapter. I will write another chapter where they do something else.

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