Steady Dating part 2

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Nick and Madison are talking to each other

"Hey Nick do you want to go to the beach tomorrow afternoon?"Madison asked. "I think that would be fun." she said. "Sure that sounds like a good time!" Nick told her. "We can bring our favorite snacks!" He said. "Sure we can!"Madison replied.

Nick and Madison smile at each other and stare lovingly into each other's eyes and hug then go to bed

                          The next day

"Good morning love!" Nick said
"Good morning honey!" Madison replied

Nick and Madison kiss

A little while later they watch some tv together then get into their car and pack their things to go to the beach*

"Nick this song's the best!" Madison said
"It's a good song!" Nick replied smiling at Madison.  "This one's even better!" Nick said. "Hahaha!" Madison laughed.

They arrived at the beach soon after they parked their car

"Oh boy Nick this will be fun!" Madison said with excitement! "Oh yes it will be!" Nick replied.

Nick and Madison walked along the beach holding hands

"Nick there's a seashell it's so pretty!" Madison said as she grabbed it. "It's not as pretty as you!" Nick said. "Awww!" Madison blushed

Nick and Madison both got in the water and splashed each other after doing that for a while they got out of the water to take pictures and eat some snacks they brought

Later that afternoon

"Nick it's getting late we should be getting home!" Madison said. "Sure" he replied

A while later Nick and Madison are home and talking to each other

"I've had a fun day with you Nick!" "I'm glad we went to the beach!" she said. "I'm glad we went too!" he replied.

They hugged each other tight then went to bed

Authors Note : This chapter takes place a week after the last chapter in the first part of this chapter it's evening

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