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"Nick it's Halloween!" Madison said with excitement. "Yeah I'm excited too!" Nick said.

A while later they prepared candy to give to children and they got dressed in their costumes

A while later kids came to get candy

Trick or Treat they said Nick and Madison opened the door and gave the kids candy

"Cool costumes!" Nick and Madison both said
"The blue ranger is my favorite!" Madison told the kid (seeing she dressed up as the Blue Mystic Ranger) "Really?" the kid replied. "Yes she is." Madison replied smiling. "The Red Ranger is my favorite!" Nick told the boy (seeing he dressed up as the Red Mystic Ranger) "That's cool" the boy said.

The kids walk away Nick and Madison have gave candy to lots of kids they head inside*
*Nick makes popcorn him and his love sit down and they watch Halloween movies together!

Author's Note : Sorry this is a short chapter.

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