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I'm sitting on the sofa with dad watching  baseballgame as Bella comes storming in.
"I said, leave me alone!" she shouts. I walk up to them with dad to see Edward standing there with a devastated face.
"Bella, don't do this. Just think about it, please -" he says but Bella interrupts him.
"Get out! It's over" she shouts before she slams the door shut.
"Bella? What happened?" dad asks her but she doesn't look at him. Instead she goes straight up to her room, me and dad following her.
"I have to get out of this place. Out of Forks. I'm leaving. Now" she says, running faster into her room and shuts the door. Dad and I look at eachother concerned.
"Bells. Did he hurt you?" dad says, as he knocks at the door.
"No, Dad" Bella says quickly.
"Then what? Did he break up with you?" he asks her.
"I broke up with him"
"But I thought you liked him?" dad asks even more confused. He clearly didn't get anything of this boyfriend stuff.
"That's why I have to leave. I don't want this. I want to go home" she says before she opens the door, revealing her and a bag stuffed full of I suppose clothes.
"Mom's not even in Phoenix right now, Bella" I say as we both follow her down the stairs.
"She'll come home. I'll call her from the road"
"You can't drive home now. I'll take you to the airport in the morning" dad says.
"I want to drive. I need time to think. I'll pull into a motel in a few hours. I promise" she says, still not looking at me or dad. She walks towards the door but dad stops her.
"Bells, I know I'm not around much, but I can change that. We can do more things together" dad says with a painful voice.
"Like watch more baseball on the flat screen? Or go to the Coffee Shop? Same people, same steak, same berry cobbler every night? That's you, Dad. Not me" she says, making me angry now.
"Bella... I just got you back" dad says.
"Please, Bella" I breathe out. She looks at dad, her face suddenly stern with no emotion on it.
"And if I don't get out now, I'm going get stuck here like mom did" she says, shoving dad out of the way and walking out of the door. I watch as dad stands there like frozen before I follow her with tears in my eyes.
"What the fuck, Bella? He didn't do anything wrong?" I say.
"I have to leave, Val" she says, stopping infront of me.
"But, Bella. We can find a solution together you just have to talk to me" I say with tears blurring my vision.
"Yeah, like that has done any good to me" she scoffs, making me confused.
"Maybe this life is something for you, with your stupid boyfriend and your stupid friends. Not for me. And if you want to end like dad, then so be it" she says as my lips part and she gets into the car.
"Bella!" I shout angrily as I walk up to her car but she drives away before I can say anything else, leaving me sprinting onto the road as I watch her orange truck drive away.

I sink to my knees, watching as her truck disappears behind some trees. Watching as my sister disappears behind those trees, not knowing when I'll hear of her again.
"Come on" I hear my dad say as he helps me up before we both get back inside the house. Quickly, I storm up to my room and shut the door behind me. 
What was she even thinking, leaving us like that? Something could happen to her and I would never have the chance to talk to her anymore. I had to do something.
Suddenly, anger overtook me. This was all Edward's fault. She wouldn't have left if it wasn't for his stupid actions. 

I find myself driving up the weird path to the Cullen's house which Bella had given me the adress, just in case something ever went wrong and she needed a ride home or something. I look forward to finally see the big wooden house appear in front of me. It had a lot of windows, which allowed them to oversee practically everything that was going on around their house. I quickly stop my bike, get off and take off my helmet which I throw to the ground angrily.
"Valerie" I hear a woman say behind me. I turn around to see a woman standing infront of the entrance with Dr. Cullen. She had beautiful brown hair and a soft smile was on her face.
"Where's Edward?" I ask, trying to sound as nice as possible.
"Val" I hear him breathe out, my head immediately whipping around to where he was standing infront of a garage.
"You. This is all your fault!" I say, storming over to him.
"Val, I-" he starts but I shove him to the ground angrily, making him fly a few feet back which catches me by surprise. I didn't know I had this much force inside of me and neither did he by the expression on his face. He was looking at me with shock and confusion.
"This is all your fault. Whatever you've done. She left us. She wants to drive back to Phoenix. You know how much she hurt Charlie?" I ask him, my anger getting the best of me.
"I know and I'll make it okay again" he says before he get up slowly.
"Yeah and you better do it soon, Edward" I say before I take a look into the garage and see her orange truck there.
"Why's her truck here?" I ask him confused.
"Alice and Jasper took her to Phoenix, so she doesn't have to go alone"
"What?" I breathe out. "Why would she go with Jasper and Alice and not ask me?"
"She didn't want you to leave Paul behind. She knows how much you like him" he says, making me look up at him.
"That's bullshit. If she would really care for me, she would've stayed and not left over a stupid boy. This is all your fault" I say, directing my anger towards Edward again.
"I know and I'll make it right. I promise" he says. 
I can't stay being here any longer, so I pick up my helmet and get onto my bike before I drive off.

When I arrive at my house, I notice the brown truck standing infront of our driveway. I park my bike and take of my helmet, hanging it onto the handle before I walk back towards the front entrance where I see Paul and my dad waiting for me with concerned eyes.
"She just left" I say quietly, as tears stain my vision as I allow myself to finally let go of my emotions. Paul quickly embraces me in a tight hug and pulls me inside. My father closes the door behind us, looking at me with worried eyes.
"Where were you?" he asks me.
"I talked to Edward" I say, and feel Paul tense up a bit. "Bella left with Alice and Jasper. They didn't want her to go alone"
I feel my heart breaking as I say so.
"Why didn't she ask me to go with her. I would've driven here there. I would've even come with her just to make sure that she's okay. Dad, we can't just let her leave like that" I say, looking back at my dad.
"Come here" he says, holding out his arms in which I quickly find myself in. "Go and rest. She'll probably call when she's arrived"
He lets go off me again and I walk up the stairs. I walk into my bed and let myself slump down on my bed. Paul quickly walks after me and shuts the door behind him before he sits down next to me and pulls me into his lap. 
"Your dad told me what happened" he whispers, stroking my hair gently, while wiping my tears away with his thumb.
"I don't get it. She was happy. Happier than I've ever seen her and all of a sudden she just leaves," I say through a sob. "She was so angry that she told our dad the same words which my mom had said to him when she left. He was so taken back by her words that he didn't even come outside. I tried to convince her but she didn't budge. Paul, she left. What if something happens to her now? How can I live with the fact that I didn't convince her to stay and none of it would've happend?" I ask him, sobbing even more.
"Shh. This isn't your fault. Val, she's just angry right now and confused. She probably didn't mean it like that. She'll come back, don't worry" he says, making me look up at him. His eyes were pained and worried.
"But I should've talked her out of it, -"
"Val, maybe you couldn't have. Maybe no one could've convinced her to stay here" he says. Maybe he was right. Maybe there couldn't have been enough words to make her stay here with me and dad. " Maybe she just needs a little distance from this place now. She'll come around"
I hug him tightly before we both lay down on my bed, me on top of him, my tears staining his shirt. I feel myself drifting off to sleep, listening to his heartbeat as my breathing slowens and my body realxes.

bound to be - Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now