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The party's already stacked with people as I arrive at the Cullen's house. My dad, Bella and I had just eaten dinner together at the diner, something we hadn't done in ages and even though Bella and I aren't at best terms it was fun.
"I'm sorry, Valerie" my sister says and I look at her a bit wide-eyed. "I realized that I did you wrong. I just-, I didn't know how to adress this whole adoption thing and I was scared that you're not going to talk to me anymore if I tried to. It's my fault and I'm very sorry for how I've treated you"
"Okay" I breathe out. "I'm not just going to forgive you though"
She looks down at her hands. "I understand"
A smile creeps it's way onto my face. "Now come on. Lets have a party" I say and watch as she smiles too before we get out of her truck and walk up to the house. Kim and Olivia weren't allowed to come because Embry and Jared said they weren't allowed to. Of course Olivia and Kim were fuming but I assured them that it would be better if they didn't came. After all, the pack hates the Cullens and would never allow their imprints to even come near them. Paul wasn't too fond on me going either but I assured him that I would be fine and we're still not back together so he has no say in this.

Confidently, we strut up the way towards the house as Alice opens the door for us.
"Finally, you're here" she says before pulling us inside. Bella and I look at eachother and chuckle as we run after her.

I find myself on the dance floor again with Angela as we dance together to a song that is playing. Soon, Jessica and a few other girls join us too and we're dancing together and having fun.
"Who are they?" a girl asks as she looks behind me and I look at her confused before sensing the boys here.
"That's Valerie's boyfriend and his friends" Jessica says a bit jealous but I don't know her better so I just shrugg it off before excusing myself and walking over to Paul, Jacob, Embry and Quil.

"What are you doing here?" my sister asks Jacob while I give Paul a quick peck on the cheek before standing next to her.
"You invited me. Remember?" Jacob asks.
"Was my right hook too suttle for you? That was me uninviting you" she says and I snort loudly.
"I'm sorry. You know, about the kiss... and your hand. I'd blame it on the whole inner animal thing but this whole thing is me. I'm really sorry" Jacob says and Bella smiles at him.
"Okay. We're going to leave them be now. Come on!" I say before starting to push Quil, Embry and Paul away from Jacob and my sister. They were weird enough around eachother they didn't need us to listen to them too. We stand a few feet away from them but still close enough if there would be another punch.

"We got you a present" Embry says and Paul gives him a look before smiling at me. I watch as he takes out a box from his pocket before handing it to me.
"Jared is going to kill us that we gave it to you without him being here. It's from the pack" Paul says and I grin at them before my jaw drops as I open it. Inside is a gold necklace with a tiny wolf on it.
"I love it" I breathe out before I jump excitedly and hug them each tightly. Paul holds me tight by the waist as he places a kiss on my neck before letting go of me and holding his hands out. I bite my lip as I hand him the necklace and he places it around my neck. I pick it up again with my fingers and look at it carefully.
"Thank you so-" I say but cut off midsentence.

I see Riley holding Bella's red blouse infront of his army, his look vicious. He lets everyone smell at it before they march towards the water.

They are coming here.

Quickly, I find Alice's frame who nods at me. She had seen the same thing I see as I read her thoughts.
"Valerie, what's wrong?" Paul asks me but I shake him off and walk over to Alice and Bella who were now occupied by Jacob.
"What's going on?" Jacob asks.
"You're not going to Seattle" my sister realizes.
"No" Alice breathes out.
"They're coming here" I say and look at Alice with a serious look. "We have to talk to Carlisle"

Quickly, we walk up the stairs but Paul grabs my hand.
"Can we come with you?" Paul asks me and I look at them all before I nod and they follow us upstairs. We find ourselves back in Carlisle's office.
"They'll be here in four days" Alice says before everyone looks at me for comfirmation and I nod.
"This could turn into a bloodbath" Carlisle says while shaking his head.
"Who's behind it?" Edward asks.
"I didn't see anyone I recognize" Alice says.
"It's Riley Biers. Victoria turned him. I saw it last year" I say before Paul grabs my hand and gives it a gentle squeeze.
"She's must be staying out of the action then" Alice says.
"They're playing with the blind-spots in your visions" Carlisle says.
"Either way, the army's coming and there aren't enough of us to protect the town" Jasper says coldly.
"What now? What damn army?" Jacob asks a bit annoyedly.
"New borns. Our kind" Carlisle says and I take a deep breath.
"What are they after?" Embry asks.
"They were passing around Bella's red blouse" I say quietly.
"They're after Bella?" Jacob asks worriedly and I nod. "What the hell does this mean?"
"There'll be a fight, with lifes lost" Carlisle says. I watch as the boys all look at eachother before they nod.
"We're in" Paul says and I sigh.
"No. You'll get yourselves killed. No way" my sister says.
"I wasn't asking for permission" Jacob says and I watch as my sister turns towards Edward.
"Edward?" she asks who looks at the wolves.
"It means more protection for you" he says before looking at my sister who then turns to me.
"Valerie, you can't be okay with this" she says a bit angry now.
I look down to the ground. "They're good fighters, Bella. I'll see if anything's going to happen to them"
"Are you sure?" Jasper asks and I nod.

bound to be - Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now