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"So?" Emily asks me as I sit down at her table. After school I had directly went to her place to be able to talk to her about everything since she was the only person I could tell everything.
"I, uh, I asked my dad about the adoption" I say looking down at my hands as I nervously play with them. My head was empty but still so full of questions.
"And?" she asks looking at me curiously. 
"Oh no" she breathes out, taking my silence as a yes before hugging me tightly as tears start to stain my vision.

Everything was going so fast. I felt like time was rushing by and I couldn't do anything about it. I had been waiting to break down for when I saw Paul but again, he wasn't there. He was out with Sam again doing God knows what while my whole world was breaking down on me. 

"I just feel like everything's been a lie" I sob, putting my hands over my eyes as I try to stop my tears from spilling.
"When were they planning on telling you?"
"After graduation on my eighteenth birthday" I say in a crooked voice. 
"Are you mad at them?" she asks me making me look at her. Was I mad at my dad and my mom for lying to me?
"I don't think so. They just wanted to protect me. I just feel like I don't belong here anymore" I say.
"Of course you do. They're still your family, same as we are" she says, making me scoff.
"Yeah, the pack family of my boyfriend who's never around" I say angrily before my phone rings.

I look at the Caller ID as I furrow my brows. Before I pick up, I wipe my eyes with my sleeve as I see Emily looking at me with a worried expression. 
"Jess?" I ask, as I pick up. 
"Something's seriously wrong with your sister, Val. I mean, since Edward left she's been weird enough but-"
"Jess what's wrong? Why did you call me?" I ask, just as I see the boys enter. Paul's the last one to come in. They're all laughing until Paul's eyes meet mine. I must look horrible from all the crying. 
"It's Bella. We just finished the movie and now she's run off with some middle-aged guy on his motorbike and I have no clue where she went" she says, making my eyes widen.
"She did what? And you have no clue where she went?" I ask.
"No. She just went off with him. Oh- wait. They're coming again" she says annoyedly as I exhale loudly.
"Can you please take her home? I'm coming as fast as I can"
"Sure, I can. I don't want to stay any longer anyway" Jess says as I walk over to the counter and grab my helmet and keys.
"I'm coming. Please make sure that she goes inside and closes the door behind her. I'll be there in ten" I say before hanging up and turning back to Emily.
"Thank you, Em. It was nice talking to you but I've got to make sure Bella's okay" I say before I walk past Jared and Paul and jogg towards my bike.

"Hey, Val! Wait!" I hear Paul call out but keep walking. I couldn't talk to him now. Not like this. The rain was pouring heavily onto my body, soaking my clothes.
"What's wrong?" he asks.
"Bella's in trouble and I have to see if she's okay" I say, my bike coming closer and closer.
"Call me when you're at home, okay? I'll see if I'm able to come around" he says, making me scoff.
"Yeah, sure"
"What's that supposed to mean?" he asks me confused before he catches up with me, now walking on my right.
"Like you're going to actually show up" I say sarcastically and shake my head.
"I'm sorry, okay? It's not my fault that we both have so much going on right now" he says, making me angry. I stop abruptly as I look at him with tears streaming down my face.
"Do you even have the slightest clue of what's going on in my life right now?" I ask him as he looks at me bluntly. "That's right. You don't. You always bail out before I can talk to you about everything"
He takes my hand but I pull it away. He looks at me with a hurt expression.
"We can talk about it. Please, Val. I'll show up tonight and-"
"You don't get it, Paul. Once isn't going to make everything alright again"
"But you can talk to me, Val" he says sadly.
"I don't know if I can," I say, looking away from him before I wipe my eyes with my sleeve. "Do you even care what's going on?"
"Of course I do, I-"
"Do you even care that I just found out that I'm adopted? That I'm afraid Bella's going to do something to herself? That I'm so done with school and college and this shit?" I shout loudly.
He looks at me with wide eyes. "You're adopted?" he asks quietly, the rain dripping down his face and onto his body.
I shake my head before I push past him and get onto my bike.
"It doesn't matter right now. I have to see if Bella's okay" I say. I put my helmet on and want to start the bike but his hand stops me.
"Can I come over tonight and make it alright again?" he asks.
"I don't know if you can" I say, yanking my hand away from him before I speed away.

bound to be - Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now