The magic player- Pt.1

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Friday 7:15 am
Location:Potions class
367 words

Pansy:Girl I don't know how you don't like Tom he's so hot!

Y/n:Because he just plays with girls, like there's a new girl every hour

Pansy:Fine sense I can't get you to admit it, then we will bet on it.


Pansy:I bet that you will fall in love with him.

Y/n:Fine the bet is on.

Later that day-
Location-Transfiguration class

As Y/n and Pansy are walking into class, Pansy looks at Y/n and back at Tom who was sitting all alone in the back of the room.

Y/n:Hey Riddle can I sit h-

Molly:No I'm sitting here sorry 🤣

Tom:No Molly get up now.

Molly:But tom-

Tom:I said go Molly, Y/n is going to sit here.

Y/n smirks at Molly as she sits down next to Tom.

Y/n:Hey Riddle

Tom:What do you want?

Y/n: I need to use your notes from potion class later

Tom:Sure princess (he said with a little smirk)

Professor McGonagall: Mr Riddle and Miss Malfoy, come to my office after class for detention!

Tom: But Mrs I did nothing

Professor McGonagall: You we're talking to Miss Malfoy, do you have a problem with it?

Tom: No Mrs

Y/n:I'm sorry Mrs

Friday 1:35 pm

Y/n walks into Professor McGonagall's office for detention and sees Ridde reading a book

Professor McGonagall: Ah Y/n it's so nice for you to join, now I have to go also no talking to eachother, and no trying to leave because the doors will be under a spell till your 1 hour is over.

As Professor McGonagall leaves the class room Y/n takes out her notes and starts to add more to them, when she hears a book drop and the floor creaking.

Tom:now I think it's time for your punishment Darling (he said with a big smirk on his face)

Y/n:Tom I'm sorry I didn't mean to get us In detention!

This is what you were wearing today:⬇️

This is what you were wearing today:⬇️

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And this was your makeup, and hair:⬇️

And this was your makeup, and hair:⬇️

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