Tough Love

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"You're kidding! No way the student council made you do THAT!" Said Ryūji in surprise while walking with Jax.

"Oh they did partner. It was fun man. He didn't know what was coming." Said Jax.

"Wait you see that if FUN?! What's wrong with you?!" Said Ryūji.

"I don't know it just was. It felt good to do it. The torture was for the torturer they say." Says Jax as an idea flies in his head.

"Honest question pal. Anything you help Taiga with?"

Ryūji nods. "A lot of things. I cook for her, I clean her house, all that stuff."

Jax laughs. "Ah ha ha men doing the ladies work. Sounds like I may be setting you up with the wrong girl."

"Well. No. Not even. We're just friends. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. You see, she currently likes someone else."

Jax replies. "Okay then. Who? Who's Mr. Wanna get bullied until they die?"

Ryūji hesitates. "I don't think she'd be too happy if I said. But... yeah let's be real you haven't spilled my secret so... I don't know."

"Come on I'm your buddy man, I wouldn't spill any secrets to nobody. If she finds out I know I'll just say I found out myself."

"Okay fine then." Ryūji then leans towards Jax's ear.

"Yūsaku Kitamura."

Jax then gets a slight shock but a slight memory. "Oh yeah him? Oh yeah he didn't like the idea of the torture neither. The President chick is selfish as crap. But meh at least I got to have fun."

Taiga then shows up as Jax and Ryūji prepare to leave the school.

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