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"You can't force me to marry her!"

Prince Tae-hyung yelled at his father, King Kim-Arjun, he was not about to agree to an arranged marriage, he didn't even know who this girl was, not only that he just wasn't into girls.

The prince had come out to his father about him liking guys.

But he swore if he wasn't his son, then the king would have disowned him, but instead of doing that the king was obsessed with trying to change the prince's mind, and try to get him married early to a random woman.

And to someone completely random, just so he could say he's not gay, and into woman,

" You will watch your tone when you speak to me Kim Teahyung, and you will do as I say, you will like this girl, she will be coming tomorrow morning, and you will marry her, do.I.Make.Myself.clear."

Hearing his father talk pissed him off even more, he was not going to give into this, whatever his father thought he would do wrong, he better be prepared for it to come true.

Folding his arms across his chest, biting the inside of his cheek, glaring at his father, this was the most absurd thing he has had to go through, too bad it wouldn't go according to his plan.

" I said do I make myself clear Taehyung!"

The king asked again, his booming voice echoing off the walls, sighing low, the prince rolled his eyes, he would just have to agree to completely disagree.

Taking a deep breath Taehyung, forced a pretty good smile on his lips, uncrossing his arms from his chest, moving them behind his back gripping his own hands tightly, he bowed to his father, oh this was going to be fun.

" Oh I'm so sorry father, yes of course I heard you, loud, and very clear",



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An arranged marriage? really? The king can't be serious.

What will Prince Tae plan be?  

I'm not sure lol, but let's here your guesses >.<

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