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" Your Prince Taehyung, bowing to you is a privilege that I will not look over, are you ready for today?",

Jin asked as he as he got Taehyung's breakfast ready on a white porcelain plate, filling it with steamed white rice with butter, sausages, and eggs,

" You have no idea, I have a lot planned for this–event",

The prince said as he moves several strands of hair from his head, he reached out for his plate that Jin had finished for him, but stepping back Jin eyed the prince, then moved to shoo him out of the kitchen,

" Come on Jin Hyung I can carry my own plate",

" Young prince if I let you carry your own plate to the breakfast table, the king will have my head, now go have a seat your breakfast will be there shortly".

With a smile on his face he sent Prince Taehyung away so that he, and the king would have breakfast together before today's events would take place, shaking his head biting his lip the prince stood at the closed entrance to the dining hall where he, and his father had breakfast most mornings when his father had the time,

With this arranged marriage becoming the main attraction for the day his father had nothing but time, pushing the doors open the prince greeted his father as he moved to sit at the other end of the table, moving his eyes to stare out the window instead of meeting the gaze of his father.

" We should have more morning breakfast together, so we can–cherish the moments we have together",

The Prince grew confused at his fathers words since he never talked like this to him, cherishing moments? Why was his father deciding to be sweet all of a sudden? Taehyung wasn't sure how to take his fathers words, still not meeting his gaze as one of the servants brought out his breakfast, setting it on the table in front of him, he just began to eat.

Hearing his father sign the prince kept his eyes low as he took bites of his food, how can he be so calm knowing that he wasn't ok with his son liking guys, and now trying to force him to marry so young, so quick did he not care about his feelings enough to ask how he felt about all of this?,

That or just accepting that he likes what he likes, why force him into something they both knew he didn't like?, as the prince shouldn't he too get a say so about his own life?, or did that not matter to his father, did he even care?,

" Taehyung, I know your still bitter about the whole marriage situation, but it has to be done, it's what's best for yo-",

" How could you know what's best for me?",

Taehyung said as he now looked up at his father, cutting him off mid sentence, every word that he spoke made his blood boil, he just couldn't sit, and let him talk, and purposely piss him off.

" We both know why you're forcing me to marry so young, but I want to do this on my own terms, I want to marry on my own terms, and time with whoever I choose",

The prince spoke unable to hold in his anger about all of this any longer, banging his fist on the table, he, and his father now held each other piercing stares, the he watched his father rub at his temples sighing low before looking back at him,

" You–Soon will be king, and you have to do what best for the people, it's not about what you want, but what you have to do",

" That's bullshit, complete bullshit",

Prince Taehyung shouted standing up, unable to stop how hot his body felt from rage from his fathers words, he just could not side with his father, he understood none of this, why should he marry early, none of this was fair.

" You need to un-raise your voice, and watch your mouth, today is happening whether you want it too or not, now sit down, and finish your breakfast, so you can be ready for when the young lady comes",

Hearing his fathers words he felt his heart beating fast against his chest, hearing his blood rushing in his ears, feeling his rage become to much the prince quickly turned around, storming out of the dinning all, closing his eyes leaning against the door he took small short breath trying to calm down,

" Teahyung, are you ok, what happened?",

A strong, yet soft voice called to him placing a hand gently on his shoulder, opening his eyes seeing his best friend, the main knight, Jimin dressed loosely in battle gear, with his sword at his side, his long black hair hanging loosely over his head, looking at him warmly his face holding nothing but concern for the prince.

" Yea, I'm fine just... Not ok with this whole marriage thing",

Prince Taehyung said signing low nodding his head, not as angry as before since the presence of his best friend calmed him down a lot, since he was the only one who could calm him down no matter what, and the only one who could address him as only Taehyung, and not prince Taehyung only because they grew up together.

" I understand, but I know you well enough to know that you have a plan to get out of this mess, so why don't we go up to your room, and you can tell me all about it",

Nodding his head they both walked to the prince's room, not wanting to speak of his plan until they arrived at his room, just so others wouldn't hear, and try to rat him out to his father, he really needed this plan to work. 

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