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Prince Taehyung woke up, slowly moving his hands over his face to block the sun that was shining on his face through his window.

He laid in bed a bit thinking about how he would act most un-prince like, how would the people view him?, would they still take him seriously after?.

He couldn't afford to think of them right now, his future would be in jeopardy if he didn't do something to stop this arrangement from happening, or at least prolong it.

Hearing a soft knock at his door quickly he sat up in bed,

" You may enter",

Giving the other person on the other side permission to come into his room , he watched as his well groomed suiter, dressed in a black tux pants, with a silk button up stuffed into his pants.

His hair looked like it held too much gel, but then again he was a perfectionist, so Taehyung didn't expect anything less than that, he couldn't help but imagine ruffling his perfect hair, but he knew he would pull back a handful of gel if he did so.

" Good morning young prince, I have bought you clothes that the king wants you to pick out for tonight".

Taehyung hated that his father was rushing him into something like this, he was still young, he had his whole life ahead of him, he wouldn't need a person of interest until the king was ready to step down.

Not unless there was something going on that his father wasn't telling him about, groaning low Taehyung got out of bed, and walked over to the clothes, catchy colors caught his eyes.

Red button up, black tux with gold trimmings, and designs, black tux with a white button up with silver trimmings, and designs, black tux with gold silk button up, white tux with silk gold button up ,black tux with purple silk button up, with purple trimmings, and designs.

He had options, but no matter how the colors caught his eyes, and how he would usually dress flashy, he had to pick something that would make him stand out the least, this time he wasn't dressing to impress.

So with a final thoughts he chose the black tux with the white button up with silver trimmings, and designs, it was nice, but not to flashy, Taehyung couldn't wait for his plan to play out, if he stayed in character long enough his plan will be one-hundred percent effective.

" That is a perfect choice sir, I have to take some length up on the legs a bit then I will br-",

" No!",

Taehyung shouted, cutting him off, almost shocking himself as he looked to see that Hoseok was just as shocked, but he didn't want Hoseok to make any preparations to his clothes, he could use that to his advantage to his plan.

" I mean, no everything is perfect, I'll just take it from your hands–and put it away myself until tonight",

Now taking the outfit from his suitors hands, he begins to walk to his closet, ignoring the look of confusion still plastered on Hoseok's face.

" Are you sure, young prince?, it would only take me a minute to make alterations",

Jung Hoseok spoke up trying to reassure him, as Taehyung put his outfit into his closet, he walked back over to Hoseok, nodding his head at him.

If he knew anything he knew that his father was a man who loved everything to be decent, and in order.

And he liked for Taehyung's clothes to be altered to fit him nice, so he knew that once his father saw how slouchy his clothes looked on him he would be livid, but it was his fathers own fault for coming up with such plans.

" Yes, I am sure, now you may be excused, I will be down for dinner in a bit",

Taehyung said as Hoseok bowed to him, before turning to leave the room taking the remaining clothes with him, in the midst of thinking of his plan, he now wondered if his dad was really hiding anything from him.

He was ready to put his plans into action, but first he needed to eat, he could just have one of his servants bring him food, but he had to map out his plan, even though this was his home, and a map out isn't necessary he still need to have thing in place so that he didn't play into his fathers hands about this whole get married fast situation.

Prince Taehyung knew he was soon to be king after his father, still he was in no rush to marry, at least not at this very moment, he wanted to have a say so in who he loved, man or woman this type of decision should be up to him no one else.

Finally making it down to the kitchen, after telling one of the servants to take his black stallion to the front on the palace, Prince Taehyung now stopped in front on Seok Jin the head cook, one of the sweetest guys he has ever met besides his best friend Jimin, the head fighter who trained anyone wanting to be like him.

" Ah, good morning Prince Taehyung",

Jin spoke with a smile on his face as he bowed to the prince, waving off his action, the prince moved to his side,

" You are like a second father to me Hyung, you don't always have to greet me that way",

The prince said meaning every word, Jin had been there for him as little prince grew up, mainly making sure he was fed, and taking care of him when he got sick, without him Taehyung felt like he wouldn't have made it this far in life, since his own dad seemed to busy to really notice him at all until the day the Prince announced to the king that he liked guys as well as girls.

Since then his father wouldn't let him get too close to, too many guys often. 

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