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I walked into the room we were entertaining our guests in which, happened to be Joe's since this was his idea. Patrick, being the polite guy he is, jumped up and took the grocery bags Trix was carrying. She thanked him and grabbed another beer. Joe saw the empty beer and his eyes widened. "Dude, what happened?"

I leaned against the wall and waited until I was sure everyone was too engrossed in their conversations to care about ours. "She was pretty bitchy towards me before we left and made some snippy comments in the store. I met a really nice lady in the store and Trix was so rude I was actually ashamed. She got into the car and just popped a beer. Must be hard working with us."

Joe sighed, "dude I see it the exact opposite. Trix was really nice the first time I met her and she's okay with all of us. I don't know why she's doing it this way but I think she likes you and doesn't want to get too close. At the store, she probably got jealous when she saw you talking to the other girl."

I did not expect that. To say I was surprised would be a huge understatement. I stood there with my mouth catching flies and Joe continued talking. "The question is, do you like her too? If so, make her see you aren't a bad guy."

I was now beyond confused. Physically, Trix was just as beautiful as Toyer but there was just a more mysterious air to Trix. I also didn't know anything personally about either woman. No time like the present I guess.

With that, I started fiddling around with a plate of snacks and took it out to the lounge where I caught Trix in mid-laugh at something Pete was saying. She had such a beautiful laugh; I hadn't seen her genuinely laugh until now. She saw me staring and blushed deeply, then excused herself out onto the balcony and lit a smoke. The conversation in the room continued and I took the opportunity and followed Trix out onto the balcony.


"Please don't be following me. Please don't be following me. Please don't be following me." I repeated through smoke rings under my breathe.

Andy slid the glass door open and smiled shyly at me. "Hey Trixie. I was hoping you and I could have a conversation now that we're in a more relaxed environment."

I nodded, not wanting to show the prospect of having a conversation with him was blowing my mind. "Sure, what do you want to talk about?"

He shrugged and looked at the floor, "I don't know. Could we start off with your intense disdain regarding drummers."

I snickered at his remark. "How can you say I have an "intense disdain regarding drummers," when I started off with a drum kit and a dream?"

He had caught onto my trick of answering a question with another question and countered me. "So then why do you just dislike me?"

I had had three beers in a very short space of time and was feeling a slight buzz. I also felt a little bit too honest for my own good. "It's not that I don't like you. I don't like the possibilities of what you could do to me."

He straightened up. "I won't hurt you. Just get to know me. How do you know that you and I won't end up being really close?"

I put out my smoke and looked at him. He was perfection. He was danger. I shook myself out of my Andy-induced trance. "How do you know I want to take that chance?"

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