Phi-Nongs (KS)

151 13 0

(side PisaengKawi <3)

On a very weird phone call, Arthit discovers that his brother Kawi is going crazy.

"What do you mean you've been having dreams about this Pisaeng guy? And what is it with you and time-traveling? Are you nuts?"

"I told you, it's insane. But you have to believe me on this P'. P'Kong, are you there? Surely he'll agree."

Arthit wanted to send his glare over the phone and inwardly groaned as Kawi kept goading him into this, "I am not handing my husband over to you so you can spout nonsense."

"P'Kong! P'Arthit's being mean to me again!"

"Sweetheart, can you give me the phone for a second, maybe I can hear him out?" Kongpob asked, wrapping an arm around his waist and offering out his hand. Arthit grumbled in defeat and handed over his phone.


"P'Kong! There's my favorite brother-in-law. Listen, there's this guy named Pisaeng, and in a really twisted world, I was able to go back in time and retrieve the love of my life, but somehow I fell in love with my rival, does that make sense?"

There was a moment of silence.

Then suddenly, Arthit felt something being put into his hand. It was his phone.

"You were right, he is being a lunatic."


"You heard the man. Now, Kawi, my sweet baby brother, please stop calling us to talk about your gay awakening and come to us when you're fully coherent, okay? Kong and I have a date tonight. Bye-bye."

"Fucking hell— P'Arthit!"

End call.

Arthit turned back to his husband who has already wrapped his arms around Arthit's torso and kissed his cheek, "I guess gay panicking runs in the family, darling."

"Oh shut up, Kongpob. We'll just visit him tomorrow to see what's going on."

"I knew you were worried. Sure, Arthit. It's a Sunday tomorrow, so we have time. In the meantime, let me take you out on this date, hm?"

"Of course."


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