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Hello! Thank you so very much for choosing to check out my story.

This is a fictional werewolf romance story set at a boarding school. It has fated mates and some real asshole behaviour. If you aren't looking to read that, there's the door.

I won't ramble on too much, I just want to make a couple quick points and would really appreciate if you read them.

Firstly, this is Wattpad and like many writers on here, I am just a teenage girl who likes romance and writing, by no means am I a professional author or claiming to be one. So there will most likely be spelling and grammar mistakes and other issues.

On that note, I also do not get paid for this. I write simply because I enjoy it and I appreciate the support and feedback on here. I do not owe you updates, so please don't demand them. Constructive criticism is welcome, hate is not. You can simply stop reading if you are not enjoying my story.

Also, the male lead in this story is purposely written to be an Alpha A-hole (literally an Alpha) and is also a wolf, so he may not be your cup of tea, which again, is fine. Because he sure is mine;)

Please note how this book is marked mature. It lives up to it's rating, there will be sex scenes, there will be violence, there will be profanity (and lots of it because these are teenagers and I like to keep my depictions accurate). I won't tell you to leave if you're under a certain age, god knows I was reading Wattpad books I shouldn't have been as a kid, but please be aware that the content you consume does have an effect on your developing brain.

Certain matters may also be triggering for some readers, I find that trigger warnings are major spoilers and I do not add them. If you are worried, shoot me a private message and I will let you know if a certain trigger is in the book but keep in mind I am not responsible for your triggers.

I also notice a reoccurring theme where female MC's are often hated on for everything they do and deemed annoying, so ask yourself "Do I hate this character, or am I maybe just being a bit misogynistic?"

There is no place for misogyny, racism, or homophobia in my comment section, I have a block button and I know how to use it! Other than that, please have it out and (respectfully) argue! I love to read the opposing views on topics and scenes in my stories.

Finally, you do NOT have my permission to take my work in any manner. No translations, 'continuations', or any form of plagiarism are welcome. In fact, my mommy's a lawyer and I'll sue your ass (jk but not really).

With all that said, happy reading!

With Love-Sophie

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All Rights Reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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