Chapter Two

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The ferry dock is situated behind the school so I'm only able to see the back of it but already I'm astounded by the beautiful building in front of me that resembles a palace more than a school.

It's a classical building that's been kept in good condition while still maintaining its historical feel. Towering statues line the pathway leading up to it while the building itself is made of bricks and windows, some stained with intricate designs. Certain parts have vines wrapped around them, only adding to its charm.

Mr.Benson stands in front of the students, waiting for the noise to die down before directing us. "Welcome or welcome back to Sullivan Prep. We will all walk around to the main doors. Second, third, and fourth year students will be directed to their dorm rooms by our lovely Ms.Raymond, head of the dormitories. First years will follow me to the auditorium for a mandatory assembly on rules and expectations."

Groans sound from the first years but Mr.Benson quickly hushes them, then signals us all to begin walking to the front. I look around but don't spot Mallory's orange hair anywhere. Resigning myself to the fact I'll be walking alone, I follow the group.

The front of the building is even more breathtaking than the back, with a huge campus. A large field and hill sits in front, and a forest of endless green fences both sides.

Lots of people give me glances but the guys seem to keep their stares on me longer, some elbowing their friends and tiling their heads in my direction.

I self consciously play with my hair, trying to hold my head high and keep my shoulders back.

A woman who looks to be in her late forties emerges from the front doors and walks to the top of the steps, setting down a large black bag by her side.

"Welcome!" she says warmly and a chorus of hello's greet her back. She is obviously well liked by the student body.

She clasps her hands together in front of her before introducing herself. "I'm Ms.Raymond, head of the dorms and often referred to as the Dorm Mother. Any housing issues or questions can be directed to me. Now, I know you're all excited and want to catch up with your friends, but I ask for just a moment of silence as I assign dorms." 

She doesn't need to yell or be stern, a respectful silence falls down on us all as she speaks. Mr.Benson also walks to the top of the steps beside her.

"Yes, thank you Ms.Raymond. Now would all first years please follow me."

Our group dwindles a little as all the first years begrudgingly climb the steps, probably anxious to see their living spaces. I'm thankful I'm not made to attend the assembly with them, knowing that would put a glowing target on my back.

Ms.Raymond begins to read out names in alphabetical order by surname and as each person walks up to her, she hands them a little electronic keycard from the bag next to her. 

I'm thankful my last name is farther into the alphabet because it means there's not as many people left to stare when I go up. When she finally reaches the P's I walk up, feeling all of the remaining eyes burning into my back.

She offers me a smile and I return it, but to my relief she doesn't say anything about me being new as she hands me my keycard. Printed on it is my building name, floor and room number. Everyone else seems to know exactly where they're headed but none of the buildings have names on them.

I don't want to hold up the line by asking Ms.Raymond though so I quickly make my way back down the steps and turn right, hoping that's the way to Benedict Hall.

As I admire the greenery that surrounds me I feel a hand clasp my shoulder. I stop walking and turn my head, finding a boy belonging to the hand on my shoulder. He's honestly pretty good looking with shaggy brown hair and a height of at least six feet, which dwarfs me at five foot three.

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