Chapter Six

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"You are strong."

"You are smart."

"You will not socialize with him."

I repeat these silent affirmations to myself as I make my way to english. I take a deep breath before walking through the door. The desk behind mine is vacant, but the bell hasn't gone yet.

Maybe he won't show again, like yesterday. Pretty please.

I walk over to my desk and place my bag down before a flash of white catches my eye.

I furrow my eyebrows at the envelope partially sticking out of my desk. I take my seat, wondering if it was left by someone from the previous class. However at closer inspection I realize my name is scrawled on it in messy cursive.

I glance around the classroom but it's mostly empty save for a couple people chatting in the back and Mr.Benson typing away at his desk.

I grab the envelope and carefully tear it open, pulling out a single piece of paper. In the same handwriting it reads,

"Pretty little Alora, like a lamb to the slaughter.

How long till they sink their claws into you?"

I read it twice more before shoving the paper back into the envelope and into my bag just as the bell rings.

A dig on me not belonging here? Big whoop. Doesn't seem very witty to me.

My mind runs through the possible suspects. Truthfully, many people don't seem to want me here, prime example being the girls from the bathroom.

However the pretty little Alora tips me off to my number one suspect and my suspicions are confirmed moments later when Leo walks in and takes his seat.

"How are you today, Lamb?" he mocks and as much as I want to rail at him for tormenting me for no reason and being so immature, I keep my gaze forward, determined to ignore him. People only have power over you if you let them. Leo seems amused by the silent treatment and begins lightly kicking the leg of my chair.

Dylan walks in right as the lesson begins and Mr.Benson sighs loudly but says nothing. "Hi, Alora." he greets, sounding much too cheerful for 10A.M.

"Hi Dylan." I return with a small smile and that seems to get to Leo because his assault on my chair becomes much more insistent and forceful.

I try to focus on the lesson but as the kicking continues, my patience thins. Thirty minutes in, the kicking subdues and I breathe out a sigh of relief until I feel fingers on my neck, lightly tracing its len​​gth and my shoulders. My skin breaks out in goosebumps and my heart rate picks up from the simple touch. Leo notices my reaction, if his low chuckle is any indication.

I break my vow to ignore him and turn in my chair slightly. "Cut it out." I whisper in annoyance and Leo smirks. "She speaks!" he exclaims and I glower.

"I've met kindergartners with more maturity than you." I insult, glancing at Mr.Benson but his attention is on the lesson.

"You're cute when you're trying to be angry." Leo smiles. I falter because, oh my god, his smile. He's already an attractive son of a bitch, but smiling? Drop dead gorgeous. I'm pulled from my fawning when his actual words hit me.

"I'm not trying to be angry, I am angry. Why can't you just leave me alone?" I plead and his face hardens. "That's not going to happen."

Yet then he's all smiles again, this one suggestive. "Perhaps I could be persuaded to leave you alone." he teases and it takes me a moment to understand what he's implying.

I glare at him. "I'd rather sleep with any other guy at Sullivan than do anything with you," I object. Does he seriously believe I'd want to hook up with him, or that bullying me is the way to go about it?

Leo's face turns menacing and he leans forward in his desk, looking like he has a very nasty retort but I'm saved by Mr.Bensons admonishing voice. "I'm sorry, shall I stop the lesson so you two can chit chat?" he reprimands and I feel my face flush. I quickly turn to face the front once again and meet eyes with Mr.Benson.

"No Sir, sorry." I apologize in a small voice. I hate getting in trouble.

Mr.Benson continues to look at us for a few more seconds in silence before returning to the lesson. I let out a breath and slump back in my seat, making sure to send Leo a glare for getting me in trouble.

Great, now I'm the one being immature.

He just looks at me with that stupid smirk and I feel his eyes bore into me for the remainder of  class.

When the bell signals the start of lunch, I grab my bag and practically sprint out of the room.

The dinning hall is bustling when I walk in and the smell of tacos perfumes the air. As I walk over to the taco bar to build mine, I spot the back of Mallory's orange hair.

"Mallory!" I call out with a smile. She turns her head and registers it's me, but simply offers me a half assed wave and scurries off to a group of first year girls sitting around a table.

I frown as I watch a couple of them cant their heads in my direction and giggle. She seemed so sweet on the boat ride over and I can't imagine what's changed in a matter of days. Ignoring the giggles ensuing behind me, I pile my taco high and grab a to go bag. I walk past the group of freshmen with my shoulders back.

I leave the dining hall at the pace I normally would when ninth graders aren't making fun of me before heading in the direction of the visual art hallway. Sterling had told me yesterday that she didn't have art club today but needed to work on a sculpture of hers.

The sculpting room is thankfully labeled as such and I peek my head in, spotting Sterling at a table in the back by herself. I walk over to her, noticing her hands are covered in green clay as she works on something that is beginning to resemble Medusa.

I perch on the stool next to her and she turns her head, smiling when she catches sight of me.

"Alora! What're you doing here?" she asks, grabbing a cloth to wipe her hands clean.

Leo's taunting and Mallory's behavior replay in the front of my mind as I turn my stool to face Sterling completely.

"Is there anything fun to do around here?" I inquire and a grin takes over Sterling's face.

"Yeah, I can think of one thing." 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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