chapter 8

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Mrs jang is sitting infront of her house while sitting on small chair looking at her watch and then looking on the way to see if tzuyu coming

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Mrs jang is sitting infront of her house while sitting on small chair looking at her watch and then looking on the way to see if tzuyu coming...

The sky getting dark as her worried about her granddaughter increasing in each minute pass...

Mrs jang: where are you tzuyu...

She said in sad tone it's not tzuyu habit to not call her cause tzuyu usually call her if she's coming late or not but today she didn't call her at all and that make her granny worried much...

A bus sound heard as Mrs jang face lifted up in excitement thinking that her granddaughter is here she stood up slowly as she saw the bus standing right infront of her small house...

Shuhua and the school principal come out that make Mrs jang wonder her eyes around trying to look for tzuyu but she didn't see her at all...

Mrs jo: good evening Mrs jang...

Mrs jang: good evening madam is there's any problem and where's tzuyu..

Shuhua look at her teacher in quiet shock as Mrs jo fake smiled at her..

Mrs jo: actually um' w-

Yein: so she didn't come here too..

They turn only to see yein and her friends standing right behind them..

Sara: is that's where she live ' too small this house is..

Hannah: lol' now I know why she don't have cellphone '

They start laughing as Mrs jang got confused while Shuhua clinching her jaw in anger..

Shuhua: can you shut up please...

Mrs jo: girls..

They just roll they're eyes ' Mrs jang look at Shuhua as she slowly walked to her side..

Mrs jang: Shuhua tell me where's tzuyu..

Shuhua gulped as she didn't know what to answer her..

Mrs jang: p-please tell me where's she didn't you two go together then why she's not here with you..

Shuhua: h-halmeoni-

Mrs jo: we didn't find her anywhere Mrs jang yes she did go with us but then we lost her and for her not having a cellphone make it worse we tried our best to look for her but she hasn't found anywhere but don't worry I will go back there and I will ask again maybe- madam..

She shock when the old lady fall on her knees making them all in shock..

Mrs jang: i-i know it my tzuyu don't go anywhere without informing anyone I'm sure something bad happen to her..

Shuhua: halmeoni please..

Mrs jang: ahhh' tzuyu'ya where are you my baby...

Shuhua hugged her as her eyes got teary after seeing Mrs jang crying really bad while sitting on the ground the teacher also got teary as she watched the old lady crying....

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