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Remus Lupin and James Potter barged into the office, "Albus!" the scarred man biliously shouted. A set of three teachers turned around, eyes widened. Both men approached the main desk, Remus pressing palms onto the back of a chair and leaned over.

Both men knew that their old friend Sirius Black had a child. However, none truly knew a lot about the mother. She was a timid muggle woman who just happened to be knocked up by infamous Sirius Black. Sadly, the same year the man had been locked away for siding up with the death eaters (which James and Remus have doubted), the mother left with the child and both were never heard from again. 

Only Albus Dumbledore had any news. For Andromeda had her place reserved at Hogwarts since the day she was born, and the man had to make sure that this criminal's daughter was kept safe and sound until her eleventh birthday. 

And as the Headmaster refused to speak for all these years, the only thing Sirius's friends could do was pray and hope for their life to be grand, and away from all danger. 

But now, all the hoping and praying had come to a halt, as James and Remus could recognize any true Black from miles away (even after sixteen years). 

She was right. There. This entire time. 

"I trust you could have warned us that Sirius's kid studied within Hogwarts." He bitterly said. "The same kid you forbid us to see for sixteen years, Albus."

Dumbledore sighed, searching his words in regards to the very sudden situation. 

"Little after Sirius left for Azkaban, she had to be sent away for her own good. Her mother was in no shape to raise—" 

"But we were!" James exclaimed, pointing at his chest, "We could've taken care of her! It wasn't your place to decide her fate." 

Filius Flitwick stood next to the wooden desk on a pile of books, a rather confused look on his face. He seemed like the only man in the room without a clue of the situation.

"Let's not argue about that, what's done is done." Sighed Remus, "But, you could've at least told us how she was doing, or warned us that she was coming here!" 

"But know, I did so for a reason, Rem—"

"I don't want to hear your bloody reasons!" Exclaimed Remus, on the edge of rage. "Do you know how painful it was to face her, knowing she will only ever refer to me as 'Professor Lupin'?"

"Wait 'til Lily hears about thi—" mumbled James, before being interrupted by the white bearded man, raising his hand in the air and catching everyone's attention.

"Boys" Dumbledore said, calming the room with just a word, "It was her mother's wish for her to be kept away."

The two men stared at Dumbledore, mouth agape. As though their vigorous heartbeats came to a halt. 

"All that happened — the great war — her mother was left traumatized of the wizarding world. She wanted nothing to do with it. I had explained to her that Andromeda being a witch, she had no choice but to live within it." 

"—So she abandoned her out of fear." softly let out James.

"Why would you send her off to the Malfoys ? To France ?" Asked Remus. 

"In the face of the law, they were her only remaining family. It was their choice to send her to Beauxbatons." 

James and Remus were left speechless, sharing a sheepish glance before looking at the headmaster with apologetic eyes. 

"I believe walking into her turbulent life out of the blue shall only do her more damage than good." Dumbledore stated, "Be careful with her." 

What would they even say to her ? 'Sorry we abandoned you ?'  'Sorry we never came to save you ?'  That doesn't make any sense! But now they couldn't ignore her anymore, she was too close to everything they knew

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