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The night had fallen over hogwarts, and the four Gryffindors wandered around the dark corridors of their school

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The night had fallen over hogwarts, and the four Gryffindors wandered around the dark corridors of their school. Harry, Ron and the twins barely fit under the invisibility cloak. 

Harry had successfully given the firecrackers to his friends (and left out the whole interrogations with McGonagall) and they were now on their  way to the a party they were not invited to. 

once arrived, muffled music flew from a door that awaited to be opened. standing before the slytherin common room, the four boys needed the password.

"I forgot that bloody password..." Ron roughly whispered, breathing downHarry' neck.

"yikes, Ron! your breath is hot!" the two fools began fighting under the small cloak as Fred walked towards the door to the common room. carefully thinking what the password could be.

"pure-blood?" he then muttered, unsure of his words. his eyes widened as the door suddenly unlocked itself, allowing the boys to step inside.

"guys, I opened it."

"well done, Freddie! what was the password, though?"

"pure-blood. . . surprising, I know."

the room was filled with sweaty teenagers and moving lights. it reeked alcohol, but wasn't surprising for a sixth year party. George entered the room and rubbed his hands together, knowing he would get lucky tonight. he almost immediately ran to a dark-haired gal drinking alone in a corner, leaving his friends. but they were used to it, and never took it personally.

"hey guys, i don't feel really well." Harry placed a hand on his burning forehead, the day had been long and his mind kept going back to that newspaper title. 'Sirius Orion Back has run from his cell.' His father had told him to be a little more careful these days. He couldn't help but feel anxious. 

"i should go back to m—" Harry began before being interrupted by his friend,

"d'you think Carrow's here? d'you think she likes parties? it'd be hot if she did." Ron leaned onto Harry and Fred. He gazed around, searching for this the girl he apparently 'hated' but had been talking about for the fast weeks.

"i don't know, Ron. . . just go look for her, I guess." at Harry's words, Ron fled away.

 Harry like parties, he truly did. But he know he was not wanted here. It felt weird being surrounded by so many people with gross beliefs and who hate your guts for some reasons. The room was hot and the air felt heavy, barely allowing one to breath. He had wished to read by himself, but with such strobing and colored light, he would turn blind if he tried.

"i'll go implant the firecrackers, and probably get hammered or something." Fred walked away as well, thoughtlessly leaving his friend alone at a party he never wished to attend. Harry truly didn't feel his best, but it was nothing he hadn't experienced before. 

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