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Y/N, a 21 year old woman with an irresistible style.

"God, Y/N you really need to get it together!" Your best friend, Kaylees voice boomed from the other room.

Kaylee, was Y/Ns #1 best friend, they had history. Mountains of story's to tell, both with great style. y/n had slightly better style, but we won't admit that.  The same sense of humor aswell, they just clicked.

"I'm trying! Really! I have to run some errands, by the way." Y/N informed Kaylee, after that quick little whine.

"After you come back from those errands, I want you to help me unpack." Kaylee spoke with a sigh as she wielded a large box into the room.

Y/N and Kaylee had just moved into an apartment together, they had dreamed of this since they were small.. now their dreams were coming true.

"I have to go by a place called ... err, what was it called again?" Y/N struggled for a moment, trying to think of the name of the place she had to go to. "Topshop and.. Naboo- something."

"Naboutique?" Kaylee inquired, she seemed as if she knew of the place.

"Yes!" Y/N looked grateful that her friend had thought of it before her. "Have you been before?"
Y/N asked curiously.

"Yah, once, the place looks cool, though it has a ton of jazz records." Kaylee faked gagging when she said the words jazz records. Y/N and Kaylee both hated jazz, it was something you both could agree on, nevertheless, she still wanted to check the place out.

Y/N soon got dressed, in a pretty sluggish outfit, but she was having a rough day, so it was excused this once.
It was a tight yet slightly baggy, black and dark-grey long sleeve top, with cute, slightly ripped, flared jeans.

(Obviously you don't have to wear that if you don't want to.)

Y/N and Kaylee said their goodbyes and it was off she went.

First stop!


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