Fashion sense!

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(I've had a lot of free time on my hands lately, so why not continue this book?)

After leaving Naboutique, (Y/N) found herself on the way to TopShop.

(Y/N) was picking up something for herself, she wasn't sure what though.. maybe a coat, or a hat? Eh.. definitely not a hat. A new coat sounded good though.

Once (Y/N) had arrived, and was currently inside the place known as TopShop, she spotted a man.. or.. a woman? The person was about 5'11, they had raven layered hair that went just past their shoulders.. it was beautiful to be honest.. anyways, they wore a sort of holographic jumpsuit accompanied with white knee-high boots. It was safe to say that, woman or man.. their sense of style was wicked!

(Y/N) saw the person pick out a coat that was furry, white, and sort of holographic. It matched his attire quite nicely. As for (Y/N), she seemed to be having some trouble picking a coat for herself.. she noticed something out of the corner of her eye..

Holy shit.

(Y/N) could see clearly now that the person was indeed a man.

Is he actually walking towards me?

(Y/N) was panicked.. should she fully look at him? No that's creepy.. should she wait and see if he actually-.. she was interrupted from her thoughts by what she assumed to be the mans voice.

"Having some trouble?" The man questioned, his voice was clear.. it was almost melodic, she wanted to hear it again.

(Y/N) turned her head to look at the man. God was he handsome.. her words seemed to get stopped in her throat, she couldn't seem to speak before she cleared her throat.

"Eh.. yes! Yes.. thank you." She was torn between two coats, a thick and soft black zip up coat.. or a silky red coat with a small white heart embroidered on the chest.

She looked back at the two coats before speaking once again.. "which of these do you like more?"
(Y/N) looked at the man.

"That is a hard decision.." the man paused for a moment putting his hand on his chin, giving it a good thought. "Black really goes with everything, I think you'd get a lot more use out of that one."
The man spoke again, making his decision.

(Y/N) looked back at the two coats before putting the red one back on the rack. "Thanks.."
She paused for a moment.. "I didn't quite catch your name?" (Y/N) smiled, being as friendly as possible.

"Vince Noir.. Call me Vince though." The man, now known as Vince smiled back at her..

"(Y/N) (L/N), just (Y/N) is fine though." She put out her hand for Vince to shake, it came as no surprise when he did shake her hand. Wow, his hands are soft.

"It's been a pleasure meeting you." (Y/N) spoke in a friendly manner. The handshake came to an end and (Y/N) was just about to walk away when Vince spoke up.

"Would you want to grab a cup of coffee later?" Vince asked in an equally friendly tone of voice. (Y/N) may not know it, but Vince found her quite beautiful.

Did he seriously just ask me that??

Wow, I'm a lot luckier than I thought.

"I'd love to!.. what time?" (Y/N) replied, writing down her phone number on a piece of paper she had found in her back pocket.

"5:30? Whenever you're free." Vince smiled, he was quite excited for this little date of theirs.

"That sounds great!" (Y/N) put her pen back in her pocket, handing him the piece of paper that possessed her phone number. "Call me."
She smiled.

"Will do." Vince took the paper and looked at it, memorizing the number, He smiled back at her.

"Bye." Was the last thing (Y/N) spoke to him before she turned around and checked out..

She was going to have fun telling Kaylee about this.

The boosh! (Vince noir x reader)Where stories live. Discover now