Fashion sense..

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Y/N soon arrived at 'Naboutique'. It wasn't a very busy place, but it looked pretty cool.

A man with short brown hair, a moustache, and a fedora seemed to be at the counter, I guess he didn't hear the bell ring cuz he didn't look up from his book. One thing that Y/N noticed was his Absolutely horrid sense of fashion.

Y/N walked up to the counter. "Excuse me?" she spoke in a friendly tone, causing the man to look up from his book, and clear his voice before speaking.

"Hi! How can I help you?" The man replied, in a equally friendly tone. Y/N couldn't help but notice his relatively small eyes, but it wasn't a bother.. unlike his horrible fashion sense.

"Do you guys have uh ..." Y/N looked down at her list of things she needed to get, oh no.. she had to buy a jazz record for her friends birthday. She wished she didn't have to do this but, it's whatever.
"Ehm.. do you you guys have any jazz records?" Y/N reluctantly asked.

The man seemed to smile alittle more. "Yes, we do actually! Anything specific you're looking for?"
He replied in the same friendly tone from before.

"No.. it's for a friend, not really sure what she likes.." the woman paused for a moment. "Just something classic I guess." Y/N spoke, slowly returning to her regular tone.

"Oh." The man replied, abit less enthusiastic. "The records are over there, do you think she'd like a pencil case?" He questioned.

"Sure, thanks!" Y/N replied happily, going over to look at the records.

She finally settled on one and checked out, bidding farewell to the man before exiting the shop.

Next stop!


Sorry these are shorter chapters, trust me they'll get longer once Y/N meets Vince in the next chapter!

Happy reading :)

The boosh! (Vince noir x reader)Where stories live. Discover now