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"Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Paloma Hoff and this is The Verusian Chronicle...". The familiar voice of the news anchor went on. And there, behind the television sat Valerie Simmons, with a bag of snacks in her hand. Her light-coloured orbs followed whatever was shown on the screen in front of her.

A riot that had occurred in Agut's capital was shown on the news. The reason was low income. And then the agriculture and how the change in the climate was affecting the growth of crops in Verusau. 

The camera was panned to an older-looking farmer. "I don't remember the last time my crops failed in the Summertime, but this year they have. The drought was too much for the seedlings to grow.". With that, the man continued, speaking a bit more about his farm before the scene was changed from the farmlands to the Verusian House. 

There, a meeting was held with the prime ministers and the presidency of the country of Verusau. "Rain is not our commodity during the Summer months, but that's why when Autumn comes around, we can't get rid of it. We all saw last year with the floods that struck the Southern part of our country. We will have to think of more innovative ways to overcome such struggles and work alongside Mother Nature and not against her.".

Not long passed before the King himself had a few things to say. "Droughts and wetness take over the South of our Kingdom, all the while the freezing cold and snow take over the North. Year by year, the instability of our weather patterns leaves major impacts all throughout our economy. The weather is slowly but surely becoming more and more unpredictable.".

And with that, the news anchor came back on the screen. "The HOV, Health Organisation of Verusau, had issued a minor warning of a newly found disease spreading throughout the kingdom. Symptoms are usually those of a Seasonal Cold, however, in rare cases, the illness could evoke more Flu-like symptoms. More study is to be put into the disease, as epidemiologists say. Precautions should be taken, however, it had been announced that there's to be no need for panic.". With Paloma clearing her throat, she continued. "And now, onto the weather with Gerry Heathe.".

"New disease... Huh?" Valerie sneered at the announcement before changing the channel.

"What's happening?" Nelly, Valerie's roommate, came out of the kitchen. "I heard something about a new illness?".

"Something like a cold is going around. Nothing to be worried about.".

"But... they said it's a new disease, no?" Nelly inquired next.

"Yeah," Valerie began. "But Honestly Nelly, I wouldn't be all too worried about it. It's probably going to be a seasonal thing, just like the Flu...".

"But... how can you be so sure?.".

"Nelly? How many times have you contracted the Flu?".

"I... I don't think I ever have," Nelly responded.

"Exactly! So you shouldn't worry... all too much," Valerie replied.

"I suppose...".

However, with the passing of days and weeks, with the news of the new disease being 3rd to be announced, it slowly made its way to being the first thing that was said. 

"Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen. My name is Paloma Hoff and we begin this evening's Verusian Chronicle with the PET virus. The newly found disease had received its name. Pallidus Expuli Tussim, otherwise known as the PET Virus got its name from the pale colour the infected would get, along with a severe, chesty cough. Thus far, studies have shown that the virus tends to work more proficiently in those who don't have as strong of an immune system. More research on the illness has shown that the virus can stay dormant in its host, which means that the virus can survive within a body without doing any harm. This incubation period is estimated to be anywhere from weeks to months to maybe even years. Individuals are advised to stay cautious, and diligent and to test themselves for the disease whenever possible, as symptoms usually take a few days to show up. We have epidemiologist, Tommy Deeley, with more information on the virus.".

Infection - Part IWhere stories live. Discover now