Information about the Clans

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A/N: This contains the information about the Clans


Territory: Characterized by rocky cliffs and hills. They use a network of tunnels and caves within the ridges. There are also a few small dense pine forests that offer high vantage points

Camp: Situated in a large cave system within the ridges. The main cave (warriors' den) has a high domed ceiling along with shallow alcoves in the cave walls for individual sleeping spots.

The leaders' den is the highest level, while the nursery, elders, and medicine cat den are the lowest level. The medicine cat den is well-ventilated and has small crevices in the cave walls for herb storage

Significant landmarks:

' Ridges Peak ' :A high cliff providing an excellent lookout over the territory and is often used by the leader to make important announcements

' Silvery Stream' : A sparkling, clear water stream running through the cliffs. Used for gathering water by the med cats

' Echoing tunnels' :Series of tunnels leading deeper into the territory from the camp that carry sound really well. The leader makes announcements there if the weather is bad and it's favorite spot for story telling for the elders.

Often found herbs: Yarrow, juniper berries, wild garlic, heather (used for breathing difficulties ),dandelion ( roots are used to help with digestion )

Mountain sage: Small , silvery-green plant with narrow leaves that have fuzzy texture ( Used to help respiratory issues )

Stonecrop: Succulent plant with fleshy leaves that store water , found in rocky, shaded areas ( Used to soothe wounds and to prevent infections)


Territory: Open grasslands with swift-moving rivers. Their territory is perfect for fast-running cats.

Their territory shares a border with RidgeClan, which is an especially fast river with tall gorges on each side.

Camp: In a wide, open area with minimal tree cover. Shallow, swift-flowing rivers where apprentices and older kits train are running nearby. Leader Den is under a rocky outcrop. It has moss-lined nests for comfort and warmth.

The nursery is a sun-warmed, yet well-protected area near the camp entrance.

Often found herbs: Catmint, borage

Swiftfoot: Low, creeping plant that grows on the riverbanks. The leaves are smooth and somewhat glossy. They are easy to harvest and crush into a paste. (used as a paste to stop bleeding ),

Meadowsweet: Tall, elegant plant with clusters of fluffy, creamy-white or pale pink flowers. Its leaves are dark green and deeply serrated. Known for its pleasant aroma. Often grows in open areas near riverbanks (the leaves are used as a pain relief)

Rushroot: An aquatic plant with slender stems and pointed leaves found near riverbanks. ( Used for wounds to stop bleeding)

Rippleleaf: Sturdy plant with thin , elongated leaves with glossy surface that resemble ripples on water ( Leaves are used to reduce swelling and ease pain)

Featherfern: Delicate fern with feathery fronds that often get ripped off due to the wind ( Used to soothe irritated skin)

Significant landmarks:

' Swift River' : The fast-flowing river with tall gorges, marking its border with RidgeClan

' Gale Hollow' : Sheltered,wind-protected area in the territory that is used as a training place for apprentices.

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