Chapter 4

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☆ Renesmee POV☆

      Well this is what they get! I want to always have attention. It isn't fair. I have had my electronic devices taken away. So I have made a close friend called Charlotte but we call her Charles. We both love to read. We are perfect friends. She is almost as pretty as me. She has very long brown hair and brown eyes. She is also Piper's friend. Charles is the glue that keeps Piper and I together as friends. But like all glue it can only work for so long..........

My life is so unfair. Piper has done almost no work since the discovery of her power. She made my power look useless. I have been telling her to use her power on the boy that she likes. She for some odd reason will not.

It is becoming very hard to keep my family's secret. I feel like I am betraying everyone I know. Piper told me to there is more than one type of vampire. She said that some vampires burn in the sun without special rings. This is amazing but also frightening.....

☆Edward POV☆

I have noticed that my daughters are having a hard time keeping our secret. Especially renesmee, and Piper looking into these other vampires there are many risky situations going on. I do wonder how Piper is geting all this information on other vampires though..... Through much discussion with my family we have decided to join the volturi. We have known that Aro has wanted Alice and I so I don't think he will refuse. There is one catch and that is that we are aloud to tell trusted people our secret, if and when they become no longer trustworthy Piper can wipe their memory of our existence.  I make my journey tonight, a night when both of my girls must sleep. When I arrived at the castle I knew what I had to do. The next hour was a blur. All I concluded was that my whole family was joining the Volturi. My daughters and the family were allowed to live at the Volturi castle or at our house. I rushed home to bring the great news to my family my head swam with thousands of thoughts. Apon arriving home I shared the good news and found Piper and Renesmee awake. Everyone was very excited!

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