Chapter 8: Cracking the Shell(by)

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Shelby POV

The morning was rainy, but Shellby didn't mind the rain. Rain had always been her favorite weather. It reminded her of new beginnings, fresh starts...second chances. She had worn her best outfit that day, a flowy pink Sailor Moon cosplay with ruffled sleeves and white lace trim. Her long silver hair was curled gently at the ends, the left side pinned behind her ear with a bow that matched her dress. She took her seat with her friends in first period and, despite her best efforts to pay attention to the discussion on Moby Dick, she spent the class gazing out the window, watching the rain come down in sheets.

After an inattentive morning where no learning took place, Shellby looked at her reflection in the bathroom mirror during the passing period before lunch, attempting to smooth down an errant hair that refused to stay in place. Her two friends Sophie and Sofie chatted animatedly to her left, discussing the latest Japanese fashion trends while re-applying copious amounts of lipstick but she tuned them out.

She didn't know why her mind was wandering the way it was, but she suspected it had something to do with a certain crustacean. His dactyl clubs, his shimmering hues, those stunning swiveling eyestalks... she couldn't get him off of her mind. The way he pushed her away the other day stung more than she cared to admit, and even though it had been a few days, she still felt awful about the whole ordeal. She kept an eye out for him in the hallways between classes, simultaneously hoping she would run into him yet feeling knots form in her stomach at the thought. Finally, the anxiety building in her gut overwhelmed her and she excused herself from the vapid talk of her friends to take a walk around the schoolyard.

She left out the cafeteria door, trudging through the torrential downpour with her eyes downcast to the ground. No thought was given to her outfit or her makeup, even as they were drenched. A sound startled her out of her cyclical pondering. The muffled sound of a song came from the headphones of a figure on the front steps of the school, and as she came closer, she realized who it was.

They stared at one another through the sheets of rain.

Chad POV

Chad walked to school that morning, not afraid of getting a little wet. He passed other classmates with umbrellas and those silly see through raincoats and was thankful for once to be a mantis shrimp. His exoskeleton glistened as he sat down for first period. It had been several days since he had talked to Shellby; he was still thinking about Manitou Melon's comment that Shellby was part of the company that had killed his family. 

The sting of Marquis Monitor's comment still hadn't faded by mid day and all Chad could manage to do was look out the window too. Fourth period dragged along but Chad was mentally removed from it. Goldie was quiet too, his hair had been disobedient that morning, putting him in both a bad mood and a hat. His moodiness, though it made everything much less fun for Chad, did give Chad some time to reflect. What exactly would it mean for him if Shellby was related to the infamous Clamby clan Clam catchers, owners of the Bubble Bump Clam Catchery? If he could look past it, could his clam parents? And what of her parents, would they be able to look past his heritage?

"Does this hat make my head look fat?" Goldie's voice broke Chad's requiem as they walked through the hallways to the cafeteria.

Chad gave him a moody glare.

"So that's a yes?" Goldie frowned.

Chad couldn't care less today about Goldie's locks and instead sped up his walk. Instead of going to the cafeteria, he shouldered his way out the front door of the school and flung his backpack off of his back into the bushes by the entrance. He was angry and he was sad, but mostly he was confused. He couldn't stop himself from believing that maybe Shellby actually was related to the family that hunted his for profit. He knew she was too good to be true, and definitely too good for a mantis shrimp like him. He put in his earbuds, untangling the cord with his front feelers, and putting them in his hearing holes. Memories by Sad Bois played as he sat down on the concrete steps of the school's entrance. He sat there slumped in the pouring rain, Sad Bois on repeat, the volume loud so he could drown out the feelings and thoughts plaguing him. So he could drown out the thought of Shellby.

But then there she was. Staring at him in the rain.

And here he was. Also in the rain.

"Chad," she said, taking a step towards him.

He flinched, "Don't come any closer, Shellby, not until you tell me the truth."

She looked hurt, her dainty hands falling limp at her sides and her eyes shifting away from his, "I...what did I do?"

Chad's exoskeleton of anger faltered at seeing her like this, his confusion washed over him like a rip tide, "I heard something about you and I don't know anymore, Shellby, I don't know anything anymore."

"What did you hear?"

Chad's throat felt thick, "I heard you were related to the Clamby clan, the infamous clam catchers."

Shellby looked away then looked back at him, hanging her head, "Yes, I am."

Chad felt his clubs twitch, "You and your family killed my family then and you'll understand why we can't...can't be whatever we are."

Shellby's face was red, "I didn't do any of that. I've never fished for a clam ONCE. Chad, you've completely vilified me based on some stupid rumors, but you should have just asked me!"

Chad stood up from the steps he had slumped on and took a single step forward, "Then I'll ask you now: what connection do you have to the Clamby family?"

Shellby took a single step forward too, a single tear rolling down her face and mixing with the raindrops, "I am related to the Clambys. My father and his brother, my uncle, inherited the company from Grandaddy Clamby. For the last twenty years, my father and uncle have fished along the Delaware shores for the juiciest, freshest clams in all of the United States."

Chad cut her off, "See, I knew it."

"But you didn't," Shellby took another step forward, "Never once have I said that I have accompanied my family on these fishing trips. I hate clam fishing. I hate fishing in general, and not just because I don't like the taste of seafood."

Chad took another step forward, "R-really?" He couldn't control his breathing, he felt excitement and nervousness building and couldn't decipher which emotion to listen to.

"Yes, Chad," Shellby was holding out her hand now, "For years I've begged my father to stop clam fishing because I knew the pain it was causing for families like yours. I know now though that if you and I join together to fight my family we could end their reign of terror."

Chad stood contemplating her statements for a moment, looking down at her outstretched hand. He looked into her eyes which were filled with earnest passion and he made up his mind.

He took her hand, "I'm in."

She smiled.

"And," He started as he pulled her in closer for a hug, "I'm sorry."

Shellby held him tight and he reveled in the way her silky hair felt against his cheek. The rain continued to fall around them but they didn't care as they stood there reunited in purpose against the Clambys.

 The rain continued to fall around them but they didn't care as they stood there reunited in purpose against the Clambys

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