
17 0 0

Angst kinda
!!Everyone in this chapter is 13!!

Cash POV;

I sat in the corner of my room crying. Why? Because Nico and Zoey decided to kill my rare red axolotl, Ruby, as a 'prank', not knowing about my father, who passed a few days ago. Ruby given to me before he died.

I sobbed into my arms more as I thought about my father. I walk over to my bed and snuggle underneath the blanket, holding a plush Ruby my mom got me after hearing about Ruby's unfortunate passing.

A few hours passed as I slept. When I woke up I didn't feel like eating or doing anything for that matter.

A few days later...

Mia POV;

I walked around the city looking for Cash. I go over to Zoeys house and see Nico there with her, I decided to asked them if they've seen him.

I walk inside and head over to Nico and Zoey, "Hey guys!". They turn to me.

"Oh hey Mia!" Zoey waved to me.
"Hi Mia!!!" Nico yelled even though I was next to him at that point.
"Hey, have you guys seen Cash? I seem to find him anywhere?" I asked.
"Ummm.... No I don't think so? Nico, have you seen Cash anywhere?"
Nico shook his head, "Nope! I haven't seen him since we pulled that prank a few days back."
I look over at Nico, frowning. "What prank?"
Nico turns to me, "Me and Zoey pulled a prank on Cash by killing his rare red axolotl!" He said laughing.
"What? You killed his axolotl? And you haven't seen him since!? Did you even think about how much that could've hurt him!? Did you even think about looking for him!? I'm gonna go look for him in his house. When I find him, I will bring him here and you will apologize. Got it?" I scolded them.
They both nodded, now looking guilty.

I walk out of Zoey's house and towards Cash's house. Once I got there I saw that none of the lights were on. I knock on the door, "Cash? Are you in there?" I got no response. I decide to try and open the door, to my surprise it actually opened. This worried me a little bit because Cash always leaves his door locked, even if he's home.

As I walk in I saw no one in the living room or kitchen, so I walk to his bedroom. When I got to his room and was about to knock I heard quiet sobs. I knock on the door, "Cash?" I asked worried. "Are you okay?"
I hear the sobs stop, before getting a response. "Y-Yeah! I'm fine!"
A sniffle was heard after the sentence. "I'm coming in."

I open the door to see Cash a sobbing mess in the middle of his bed, clothes everywhere, large dark eye bags, red teary eyes, running nose, and a red axolotl plush in his hands.

I close the door and walk over to him and hug him, he cries into my chest. I rub small circles on his back until he calmed down, "Cash, what's wrong?"
He looked up and me with tears in his eyes, "So-" he sniffed, "a week ago my dad passed away, and right before he passed he gave me a rare, female, red axolotl which I named Ruby. After he passed, all I had left of him was Ruby so I protected her from everyone and everything. One day when I was talking to her and walking to the city while she sat in her bucket, Nico and Zoey came up to me. They asked to hold Ruby, I hesitated, but let them hold her, not before telling them to be careful with her. They took Ruby's bucket from my hands and ran off. I ran after them telling them to stop until we got near a lava pool, They held her over the lava. I jumped towards her but it was too late... When I was a couple inches away they dropped her in... They laughed and walked away, but I fell to my knees and stayed there crying. Once I got home, I don't know... I just stopped caring about myself..."

When He finished telling me about what happened, I kissed his head, "Don't worry baby... how about we go talk to Nico and Zoey?" Cash shook his head. "Please Cash...?"
Cash thought about it for a moment before replying, "Okay... Fine..."

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