Prologue Part 1

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"Caterina, sweetheart, I need you back before the full moon rises. Is that understood?" Marco asked his daughter. Caterina looked back at her father while she was about to leave the house for the night. "I promise, father. I have my bow and arrow if anything happens." Caterina reassured her father. Colton hesitantly nodded, giving his only child permission to go out at night.

He not only worries for his daughter's safety because she's his only child but because of the werewolves that run around once nightfall came around. He watched as Caterina left their little cottage and she ran off into the dark woods. Caterina walked through the woods to get to her private place where she goes to practice her witchcraft.

As she was on her way there, a blood-curdling scream caused her to stop walking and she immediately turned around. She had a bad feeling about her mother, who was on her way home from a long day of working in the fields. Caterina dropped her things and ran back to their family's cottage.

When she arrived, her heart sank to the pit of her stomach as she saw the scene. There was a wolf attacking her home. Her father was defending it, and Caterina watched her father fight the werewolf. She looked at the scene that was happening, she let out a scream looking at her mother covered in blood and laying on the ground.

"Mother!" Caterina shrieked running towards her and kneeling down to grab her hand. "Mother, mother I'm here. I'm going t-to get you help." Caterina assured her mother, the mother was going to say something, but she couldn't get the words out. Caterina glanced at her father, who continued to fight the werewolf as the villagers came to help the situation. "We have it under control, child, go help your father." One of the villagers reassured Caterina, she just nodded her head and went to go help her father and the other villagers.

The other villagers were pointing their spears at the werewolves that were growling and snarling at everyone. Caterina ran over to her father, looking up at him. "Why aren't you with your mother, child?" Marco hissed at his daughter, looking down at her as the villagers cornered the werewolf. Caterina flinched at her fathers tone of voice. She was about to say something, but she got cut off by hearing another scream. She looked over her father's shoulder seeing the werewolf throwing a villager across the cottage's yard. The werewolf then continued to attack the villagers and started to kill them all one by one.

"Stay behind me, Caterina." Marco ordered his daughter. At first, Caterina obeyed her father by hiding behind him, but seeing as she wanted to help, she ended up disobeying. Caterina watched as the werewolf was taking a spear from one of the villagers. Caterina left her father's side to save that villager. Caterina pushed the werewolf away from the villager. The villager scurried off into the woods.

The werewolf quickly got up then growled at Caterina once he realized that it was her that ruined his kill. Caterina was only a witch, but she was a powerful one like her mother was. Caterina grabbed a spear that was next to her and pointed it at the werewolf. Marco looked at his daughter with horror as did the rest of the villagers.

Marco knew what Caterina was doing. He knew he needed to stop her.

"Caterina, no!" Marco yelled at her. But Caterina did not listen to her father. The werewolf started charging toward Caterina and so did she. Caterina raised her spear in the air and aimed it toward the werewolf. The werewolf got a hold of Caterina and he bit her rib as they rolled over the hill. Caterina had used her abilities to break the werewolf's bones as she strung the spear into his heart.

Caterina and the werewolf landed at the end of the hill with the werewolf on top of Caterina. She struggled to get the werewolf off of her since it was large and heavy. She managed to get it off of her and held her right rib cage where the werewolf bit her while she stood up and used a near-by tree for support. She looked at her father and the villagers that were up the hill.

Marco had a proud smile on his face. He knew that Caterina was able to defend herself against any creature that crossed her path and put her in danger. He was just scared for her like any other parent would be. Marco and the villagers shouted a war cry whilst Marco walked up the hill, causing her to smile. However, her smile dropped when she fell on her knees because the werewolf bite was an unbearable pain. The pain was too much, which scared the hell out of Marco.

Marco rushed to his daughter at vampire speed. "Stay awake, Caterina. We will make you better. Just please stay awake." Marco begged her, Caterina nodded her head and he picked her up bridal style. "Mr. Marco! Mr. Marco!" A young woman that was at the age of 16 years old ran up to Marco as he was starting to walk his injured daughter to the cottage, where his wife was slowly dying. "Yes, child?" Marco stopped walking to pay attention to the young woman in front of him.

"It's Ms. Isabella!" The young girl said to him. Marco didn't say another word. He used his vampire speed to get inside the cottage. Once he came in, he saw the doctor examining his wife's injuries on the living room couch. He gently laid his daughter down on the other couch they had. Caterina was starting to pass out, and her eyesight was starting to blur.

However, she could still hear everything. Except she was not ready to hear the words that came out of the doctor's mouth. "I'm so sorry, Marco. She's left us." The doctor told Marco. The last thing that Caterina heard before she passed out was the heart breaking scream of her father as the world went black.

Running With Wolves [Seth Clearwater]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن