Prologue Part 3

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*A year later*

Caterina's world shattered when a human killed her father in front of her. She had found herself at her father's funeral. She was devastated and traumatized by the event, unable to process the sudden and violent loss of her father. A year ago, she had just lost her mother and now her father.

In the days that followed, Caterina struggled to come to terms with what had happened. She found herself consumed by anger and sadness, unable to focus on anything else. She felt like her world had been turned upside down, and she didn't know how to move forward.

She lost the person that taught everything she knows.

Caterina couldn't bare the pain and the sorrow in her heart. She was tired of feeling this way every day, even though her humanity was what she had left. But she wanted the pain to go away. So, Caterina did something that her father had warned her about. Something that can change her again if she did it.

She turned off her humanity. The only thing that kept her human. That night after the funeral, she went on a killing spree. She needed to take her mind off of her parents. She didn't want to think or feel anything. All she wanted to do was sink her teeth into a human's neck and hear their screams.

As the night went on, Aro, Caius and Carlisle we're dealing with a nomad. Caterina was near-by feeding on a human being. This caught Aro and Carlisle's attention, so they went to find out what was going on. Aro knew who Caterina was as he had heard stories about her and her parents' passing. He knew that Caterina was a powerful creature.

Aro approached Caterina, who was in the middle of feeding on a human and dropping the body like it was nothing. Her mouth was covered in blood; she wiped off the blood with her sleeve before she turned aroun once she felt a presence behind her. She was now facing Aro, Carlisle, Caius, Jane and Alec. Her Hybrid eyes met their red ones.

"If you want to live, I suggest you leave before you joined them." Caterina warned them, glancing at the trail of dead bodies that she left behind. This made Aro more intrigued by Caterina. He liked how dark and cruel she was. "Child, where are your parents?" Aro asked. Caterina held a cold glare at the mention of her parents. "They are in the cemetery." Caterina flatly replied to him.

Aro took a set forward. Carlisle watched Caterina carefully and studied her. He had heard tales about creatures like Caterina. He knew that she wasn't just a normal vampire, she was a hybrid. "I see, so they have left you?" Aro asks as he goes to grab her hand. Caterina doesn't move nor say anything while she lets Aro grab her hand. Aro saw images that repeated the events of Caterina's parents' deaths. "Why don't you come with us, dear?"

"I'd rather rot." Caterina says, snatching her hand away from him. "I think we can use you and your abilities to use." Aro tried to convince her. Carlisle took a step forward, standing next to him. "You can have a family again." Carlisle chimed in. "Yes, family." Aro said to her, trying to get her to join them. Caterina looked blankly at the both of them before walking with them.

"Fine." Caterina simply said before looking at Aro. "But don't get used to it." Caterina warned them, Aro just left in his vampire speed along with the other vampires following behind. Once they were back at the castle, Carlisle showed Caterina to her new room before showing her around. Caterina kept quiet the whole time and just paid attention to everything.

Aro talked about the vampire laws and what Caterina was allowed to do and what she wasn't allowed to do. Caterina only nodded her head at everything she was being told and asked questions if she had any. "Now, your training begins tomorrow with the guard bright and early. So I advise you to be prepared. Call Carlisle if you need anything." Aro told Caterina as they walked back to her new bedroom.

Caterina nods her head as she goes into her new room and locking her door. She looked at her new room as she realized that she was starting her new life. She looked at the small window that lead out to the night sky that had shining stars and the moon. The light of the moon was shining down on her and the room. She saw that it was a full moon tonight. For the first time, she didn't do any magic like she would normally do.

She just simply turned away and she went to her bed. And she just laid there wondering what was in store for her the next day.

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